IPS again confirms Cuba needs to import 80% of the food it consumes - quotes local researchers as source
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
2011-02-23 22:18:31 UTC
According to local researchers, Cuba only covers 20 percent of the food
needs of its population of 11.2 million people, resulting in an unwieldy
external dependence in an economy with limited availability of foreign

Again you are exposed as the desperate liar you are Dan Christensen and
by a source you loved to quote;


Soberanía alimentaria al alcance de la mano
Por Ivet González

SAN JOSÉ DE LAS LAJAS, Cuba, feb (IPS) - Luisa García y Jorge Medina
saben cuánta vida puede regalar su tierra. El matrimonio cubano desgrana
la variedad de alimentos producidos por ella y que nutren su mesa todo
el año, y con base en su experiencia está convencido que la ansiada
soberanía alimentaria en su país y América Latina puede lograrse.

"El campesino tiene que tratar de hacer su finca integral, donde
produzca todo y todo salga de allí: es el objetivo esencial", aseguró a
IPS Medina, beneficiario desde hace seis años del Programa de Innovación
Agropecuaria Local (Pial). Este proyecto, cofinanciado por Suiza,
persigue la participación campesina y la diversidad de cultivos.

Desde sus inicios en el año 2000, el Pial propone el desarrollo
ecológico y social del campo a través de la innovación científica por la
población rural y actualmente contribuye a mejorar la calidad de vida de
50.000 productores en 46 de los 169 municipios de esta isla caribeña,
que a su vez se ocupan de extender los nuevos conocimientos dentro de su

Complacido ante el verde de su tercera siembra de frijoles desde octubre
del pasado año, Medina explicó en su finca cercana a la población
occidental de San José de las Lajas, a 38 kilómetros de La Habana, la
importancia de realizar "otros cambios para que haya un mayor desarrollo
en la producción".

"El campesino debe dejar entrar a la juventud y a la ciencia a su finca,
porque siempre traen algo nuevo y te dan ideas", aseguró Medina que pasó
a integrar una cooperativa agrícola hace seis años, después de
desempeñarse como mecánico en el sector.

Antes de formar parte del Pial solo cultivaban dos variedades de granos,
mientras que ahora producen 30 variedades de granos, viandas (frutos y
raíces ricos en carbohidratos básicos en dieta cubana), hortalizas y
abonos verdes, como la leguminosa canavalia.

Además, fabrican el humus de lombriz, un biofertilizante que mezclan con
otros producidos por centros cubanos de investigación agropecuaria.

Para su autoconsumo, cuentan con un huerto y las conservas que produce
García y que garantizan todo el año en su mesa el sabor de frutas,
vegetales y condimentos típicos de cada temporada. También cultivan soja
para extraer el aceite que necesitan para sus comidas, como parte de un
proyecto de la cooperativa a la que pertenecen.

La mayoría de su producción es comercializada a través de la cooperativa
y otros sistemas institucionales de venta, lo que le reporta unos
ingresos satisfactorios para la familia.

Sin embargo, el tema de la soberanía alimentaria que ven tan posible
García y Medina no es por ahora un tema de debate público en este país
de gobierno socialista. "Se cuestiona poco la soberanía alimentaria en
Cuba: se habla de seguridad pero nunca de soberanía, que implica cambiar
los contenidos de la alimentación", indicó a IPS la investigadora Ana
Esther Ceceña.

Según investigadores locales, Cuba solo cubre 20 por ciento de las
necesidades alimentarias de su población, de 11,2 millones de personas,
lo que se traduce en una dependencia externa difícil de administrar en
una economía con poca disponibilidad de divisas.

Los países en desarrollo deben encontrar sus propias vías para proveer
su nutrición y modificar su concepto de "necesidades alimentarias", que
casi siempre difiere de las posibilidades de cada agricultura, abundó la
Ceceña, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, que visita
constantemente la isla caribeña desde hace cinco años.

Desde 2008, el acceso a una nutrición básica y sana disminuyó en todo el
planeta por el impacto de la crisis económica global estallada ese año
en Estados Unidos. En esta coyuntura, se hizo urgente la propuesta de
lograr la soberanía alimentaria, abanderada desde mediados de los años
90 por el movimiento social e internacional Vía Campesina.

Esta meta busca una mayor participación de la población rural y local en
la producción agropecuaria, ampliar el acceso a alimentos sanos y
ecológicos, disminuir al máximo las importaciones en este rubro,
reconocer los derechos de los consumidores y lograr la sostenibilidad y
autonomía nacional en la alimentación.

En 2009 la cifra de personas mal nutridas en América Latina y el Caribe
llegó a los 53 millones, según un foro regional sobre el tema realizado
en Santiago de Chile en junio de 2010, bajo el auspicio de la
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la
Alimentación (FAO) y la Iniciativa América Latina y el Caribe Sin Hambre.

En el caso de Cuba, el Pial promueve en las localidades que respalda un
sentido de autoabastecimiento e incremento de productos agroecológicos a
través de la experimentación entre los agricultores.

"Gracias a la investigación, con lo poco que tenemos hemos logrado
aumentar la producción", dijo García, al mostrar el aprovechamiento
óptimo de cada espacio de las seis hectáreas de tierra de "Las
Chiverías", el nombre de la finca donde vive con su marido y dos hijos.
Además, proveen el mercado local y hacen donaciones a una escuela y
hogar materno.

Pero el caso de "Las Chiverías", que obtuvo en 2011 la categoría de
excelencia, no se refleja en todo el país. De hecho, el presidente
cubano, Raúl Castro, propicia desde 2008 cambios en el sistema
agropecuario, como la entrega de tierras estatales ociosas en usufructo,
para lograr la "sustitución de importaciones" de alimentos.

Para Humberto Ríos, fundador del Pial y Premio Ambiental Goldman 2010
–un prestigioso galardón internacional para defensores del desarrollo
sustentable-, lograr la soberanía alimentaria en Cuba implica "liberar
aún más el sector pequeño y mediano de los campesinos, viejos y nuevos
usufructuarios, y darle muchas más facilidades desde el punto de vista
del mercado".

En el caso cubano, "la planeación (por parte de instituciones agrícolas)
tiene que venir un poco de la demanda de los consumidores", planteó el
actual investigador del Centro de Estudios Demográficos de la
Universidad de La Habana.

En tanto, la seguridad alimentaria de la familia Medina-García le
permite ver las medidas de austeridad del gobierno con tranquilidad. "A
mí no me afecta que quiten la libreta (cartilla de racionamiento), estoy
de acuerdo. Nos abastecemos de los granos, las viandas, frutas y
conservas", detalló Medina.

Desde hace alrededor de un año, la familia solo compra azúcar y sal de
esta cartilla, que desde los años 60 subsidia una cuota básica
alimentaria de la población cubana. Según anuncios oficiales, la libreta
desaparecerá poco a poco durante este año.

2011-02-23 22:45:30 UTC
Post by PL
According to local researchers,
Unnamed "local researchers???" Hmmm... This is best you could do after
all these years?

This bullshit has been circulating for quite some time now. My guess
is the original source was some brief, introductory notes on a WFP
webpage, with no sources given, of course. It seems no one ever
bothered to check the facts.

Again, do get back to us when you can cite some original sources, e.g.
official government or UN studies. It's funny how these sources seem
to elude you, isn't it, Mr. Lobbyist? Why do you think that is?

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at its new home:
(The original CubaFAQ website. Don't be fooled by PL's cheap
2011-02-23 22:53:04 UTC
On 23/02/2011 23:45, CubaFAQ wrote:

as always what he snipped is more indicative of what he fears
Post by CubaFAQ
Post by PL
According to local researchers,
Unnamed "local researchers???"
Yep and confirmed by one of your favorite sources.
Contact Ivet Gonzalez for the details and the names desperate idiot.

What desperate Dan snipped:

According to local researchers, Cuba only covers 20 percent of the food
needs of its population of 11.2 million people, resulting in an unwieldy
external dependence in an economy with limited availability of foreign

Again you are exposed as the desperate liar you are Dan Christensen and
by a source you loved to quote;


Soberanía alimentaria al alcance de la mano
Por Ivet González

SAN JOSÉ DE LAS LAJAS, Cuba, feb (IPS) - Luisa García y Jorge Medina
saben cuánta vida puede regalar su tierra. El matrimonio cubano desgrana
la variedad de alimentos producidos por ella y que nutren su mesa todo
el año, y con base en su experiencia está convencido que la ansiada
soberanía alimentaria en su país y América Latina puede lograrse.

"El campesino tiene que tratar de hacer su finca integral, donde
produzca todo y todo salga de allí: es el objetivo esencial", aseguró a
IPS Medina, beneficiario desde hace seis años del Programa de Innovación
Agropecuaria Local (Pial). Este proyecto, cofinanciado por Suiza,
persigue la participación campesina y la diversidad de cultivos.

Desde sus inicios en el año 2000, el Pial propone el desarrollo
ecológico y social del campo a través de la innovación científica por la
población rural y actualmente contribuye a mejorar la calidad de vida de
50.000 productores en 46 de los 169 municipios de esta isla caribeña,
que a su vez se ocupan de extender los nuevos conocimientos dentro de su

Complacido ante el verde de su tercera siembra de frijoles desde octubre
del pasado año, Medina explicó en su finca cercana a la población
occidental de San José de las Lajas, a 38 kilómetros de La Habana, la
importancia de realizar "otros cambios para que haya un mayor desarrollo
en la producción".

"El campesino debe dejar entrar a la juventud y a la ciencia a su finca,
porque siempre traen algo nuevo y te dan ideas", aseguró Medina que pasó
a integrar una cooperativa agrícola hace seis años, después de
desempeñarse como mecánico en el sector.

Antes de formar parte del Pial solo cultivaban dos variedades de granos,
mientras que ahora producen 30 variedades de granos, viandas (frutos y
raíces ricos en carbohidratos básicos en dieta cubana), hortalizas y
abonos verdes, como la leguminosa canavalia.

Además, fabrican el humus de lombriz, un biofertilizante que mezclan con
otros producidos por centros cubanos de investigación agropecuaria.

Para su autoconsumo, cuentan con un huerto y las conservas que produce
García y que garantizan todo el año en su mesa el sabor de frutas,
vegetales y condimentos típicos de cada temporada. También cultivan soja
para extraer el aceite que necesitan para sus comidas, como parte de un
proyecto de la cooperativa a la que pertenecen.

La mayoría de su producción es comercializada a través de la cooperativa
y otros sistemas institucionales de venta, lo que le reporta unos
ingresos satisfactorios para la familia.

Sin embargo, el tema de la soberanía alimentaria que ven tan posible
García y Medina no es por ahora un tema de debate público en este país
de gobierno socialista. "Se cuestiona poco la soberanía alimentaria en
Cuba: se habla de seguridad pero nunca de soberanía, que implica cambiar
los contenidos de la alimentación", indicó a IPS la investigadora Ana
Esther Ceceña.

Según investigadores locales, Cuba solo cubre 20 por ciento de las
necesidades alimentarias de su población, de 11,2 millones de personas,
lo que se traduce en una dependencia externa difícil de administrar en
una economía con poca disponibilidad de divisas.

Los países en desarrollo deben encontrar sus propias vías para proveer
su nutrición y modificar su concepto de "necesidades alimentarias", que
casi siempre difiere de las posibilidades de cada agricultura, abundó la
Ceceña, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, que visita
constantemente la isla caribeña desde hace cinco años.

Desde 2008, el acceso a una nutrición básica y sana disminuyó en todo el
planeta por el impacto de la crisis económica global estallada ese año
en Estados Unidos. En esta coyuntura, se hizo urgente la propuesta de
lograr la soberanía alimentaria, abanderada desde mediados de los años
90 por el movimiento social e internacional Vía Campesina.

Esta meta busca una mayor participación de la población rural y local en
la producción agropecuaria, ampliar el acceso a alimentos sanos y
ecológicos, disminuir al máximo las importaciones en este rubro,
reconocer los derechos de los consumidores y lograr la sostenibilidad y
autonomía nacional en la alimentación.

En 2009 la cifra de personas mal nutridas en América Latina y el Caribe
llegó a los 53 millones, según un foro regional sobre el tema realizado
en Santiago de Chile en junio de 2010, bajo el auspicio de la
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la
Alimentación (FAO) y la Iniciativa América Latina y el Caribe Sin Hambre.

En el caso de Cuba, el Pial promueve en las localidades que respalda un
sentido de autoabastecimiento e incremento de productos agroecológicos a
través de la experimentación entre los agricultores.

"Gracias a la investigación, con lo poco que tenemos hemos logrado
aumentar la producción", dijo García, al mostrar el aprovechamiento
óptimo de cada espacio de las seis hectáreas de tierra de "Las
Chiverías", el nombre de la finca donde vive con su marido y dos hijos.
Además, proveen el mercado local y hacen donaciones a una escuela y
hogar materno.

Pero el caso de "Las Chiverías", que obtuvo en 2011 la categoría de
excelencia, no se refleja en todo el país. De hecho, el presidente
cubano, Raúl Castro, propicia desde 2008 cambios en el sistema
agropecuario, como la entrega de tierras estatales ociosas en usufructo,
para lograr la "sustitución de importaciones" de alimentos.

Para Humberto Ríos, fundador del Pial y Premio Ambiental Goldman 2010
–un prestigioso galardón internacional para defensores del desarrollo
sustentable-, lograr la soberanía alimentaria en Cuba implica "liberar
aún más el sector pequeño y mediano de los campesinos, viejos y nuevos
usufructuarios, y darle muchas más facilidades desde el punto de vista
del mercado".

En el caso cubano, "la planeación (por parte de instituciones agrícolas)
tiene que venir un poco de la demanda de los consumidores", planteó el
actual investigador del Centro de Estudios Demográficos de la
Universidad de La Habana.

En tanto, la seguridad alimentaria de la familia Medina-García le
permite ver las medidas de austeridad del gobierno con tranquilidad. "A
mí no me afecta que quiten la libreta (cartilla de racionamiento), estoy
de acuerdo. Nos abastecemos de los granos, las viandas, frutas y
conservas", detalló Medina.

Desde hace alrededor de un año, la familia solo compra azúcar y sal de
esta cartilla, que desde los años 60 subsidia una cuota básica
alimentaria de la población cubana. Según anuncios oficiales, la libreta
desaparecerá poco a poco durante este año.



again Dan Christensen shows what a hypocrite liar he is.
He is the one doing the "attacking" with his lies and slander.
As all can see I only post this piece that exposes his lies when he
has started his slanderous attacks.
That by the way is in general within a couple of exchanges on the
facts of the case involved as by then he is so stuck that he has to
resort to lies and insults.

Please note that lies combined with personal attacks only destroy
your credibility, Dan.

Dan Christensen knows I am not a lobbyist and that it is all just a
slander campaign.
As a good follower of Goebbels he keeps repeating his lies in the hope
that something will stick and that he maybe can mislead some people
don't know what he is all about.
Desperate Dan Is doing his bit in the slander campaign of the "rat
he is associated with. The contribution of his pals at the Centre
Ernesto Che Guevara in this group recently just shows what Dan and his
cronies are all about: lies, insults, slander and intimidation.

Actually: given your actions in the past Dan you fit the lobbyist
profile a lot closer.

You contact people in support of the Cuban regime and with the aim to
have them change the content of their website or change public
statements. You even pose as a "journalist" or "researcher" while
doing so.
The fact that you have been utterly unsuccessful at it and that only
your website suffered the removal of pages just shows what a bad
lobbyist you are.

Your Club Med, lobbying, CIA lies are exposed again

Links to the threads Dan produces his "lobbyist" misquotes from and
the exposure of his lies by others:

For those that want to see the full thread and the complete messages
in their context (which Dan Christensen desperately hopes nobody will
as it will expose his lies), here is a link to the threads concerned.

To Dan Christensen's great frustration his lies by now have been
exposed by various other people in other threads like:

Dan Christensen lied when he claimed I had stated that I had been at
Club Med in Varadero - a hotel he tried to depict as a sleazy sex
resort - to "lobby" people.
Just one example:
Dan Christensen even suggested the whole trip was paid for by the CIA
thereby accusing Belgian officials of not only sexual impropriety, but
also of active corruption.
You see: Dan Christensen just doesn't know when to stop lying and gets
caught up in his "cloak and dagger" childish fantasies.
His lies are so over the top that it all become a big joke that people
can easily see though.
Here is one example of how serial liar Dan Christensen was exposed.

The lies of Dan Christensen about me that were exposed:
- his lie about me playing golf to "lobby": exposed. Dan Christensen
had to admit there were no quotes to support any of that.
- his lie about singles resorts and schmoozing: exposed as various
people stated that it is merely a family resort that even had a circus
school for children
- his lie about me being in Varadero: exposed as Dan Christensen had
to admit I never said I was there
- his lie that it were all "CIA junkets" exposed as Dan Christensen
ran like hell when he realized that this lie could expose him to legal
- his lie that I had "self-confessed" anything: exposed by people that
put the snippets Dan Christensen abusively posts in context (as shown
in this message)
All Dan Christensen's lies have been exposed by various people.

as I said comrade
Dan: whenever you post your lies about me I post the truth about you.
Your record of lies, innuendo, insults and support of human rights
abuses discredits you.
All shame you brought on yourself by your attitude and actions.

The exposure of the "lobbyist" lie in further detail.

Dan Christensen's abuse of misquotes has been exposed over and over
again. He just aped the lie of another apologist that dropped that
specific lie very quickly. The guy is indeed smarter than stupid Dan.
When Dan Christensen tried to come up with his own "new and
improved" version of the lie he fell flat on his face.
He claimed I had been "lobbying" people In Geneva while his Rat Pack
pal "cuba libre" that stalked me then showed from an IP address from
which I had posted something that I was in Santiago de Cuba at the
time. One Rat Pack member exposing another's lies with the result of
his cyber stalking. Ironic.

Dan's other exposed false claim:
"Taking a little break from arm-twisting in Geneva, Mr. Lobbyist?"

Again it is clear what a pathetic loser Dan Christensen is.

Below you will find what is behind Dan Christensen's slanderous
campaign: facts he can't deny.

- Frustration

I exposed Dan Christensen as a fraud in this group years ago when I
blew his "cover". In SCC he tried to portray himself as an
interested party" with no political agenda.
When I came across a blatantly different reply to a similar question
in a Stalinist e-group to which I had been invited I posted it to show
his lying hypocrisy.
Since then he has been pissed as hell as it undermined his lying
propaganda effort to mislead "those in the background" (his own words,
those that didn't have "local knowledge". He himself admitted in the
same e-group that propagandist like him can never "convince" those
with "local knowledge". In frequent exchanges he got some mad he often
forgot to keep up the pretense and made him show his hand and true

"In my opinion the advances made by the Revolution are morally well
worth fighting for and justify the use of these extraordinary
measures. In this case, the ends do indeed justify the means.
These measures, however, would NOT be morally justified in propping
less worthy regimes in the region -- the USA and its vassal states in
Caribbean and Latin America come immediately to mind."


"It is wrong to think that a particular end justifies EVERY means. At
this time, for example, it would be wrong of the Cuban government to
send death squads after their opponents as happens in Mexico and
Colombia. Again, the actions of the Cuban government in detaining
these so-called dissidents seem quite mild in comparison and are
morally justified under the circumstances."


That meant he was exposed a the hypocrite liar he is. It showed that
the false claims he made about others (support of genocide, torture,
abuses, ..) in fact only applied to him.

I have also frequently exposed his lies about facts and people in SCC.

Dan Christensen once claimed:
"It is clear from Smith's article here (and his website, CIP Online)
that he does, in fact, support an immediate and unconditional lifting
of your beloved embargo."

Mr. Smith's own words:

'We should reduce tensions, not aggravate it, making it clear to the
Cuban government that we do not have hostile intentions toward them,''
said during a 40-minute speech at a conference titled Cuba and the
United States: Relations in Permanent Conflict, Causes, Effects and
''I did not say lift the embargo without conditions,'' he said.
You can enter after a free registration.
Permanent copy in the Cubaverdad archive:

Then there is the issue of his lying website: acting with a third
person I had pages removed (for violations of law, slander, ...), I
have shamed him in to changing it on
various occasions (adding links that would then expose his lies,
remove lying caption from pictures, ...) and I have in general exposed
the lies on it (on Amnesty International for example)

What Dan claimed on his website (the misquote):
"Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel
now moved to:

Link to the "report": (the one Dan didn't give until I shamed him in
to it)

where the only thing Amnesty international asks for "immediately and
unconditionally" is the release of political prisoners.


"in 1.
"On the basis of the available information, therefore, Amnesty
International considers the 75 dissidents to be prisoners of
(2) and calls for their immediate and unconditional release."

In 8.1
" to immediately and unconditionally release the 15 prisoners
previously named by Amnesty International as prisoners of conscience.

" to immediately and unconditionally release anyone else who is
detained or imprisoned solely for having peacefully exercised their
rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly."
end of quote

- Dogmatic hatred.

Dan Christensen is a hard-line Stalinist. His first steps in SCC were
to defend Stalin and in other forums he has praised "workers
democracy" under Stalin.
He has admitted that he is ready to fight to the last Cuban (from his
comfortable armchair in Canada) for his cause.
By posting the reports from the international press, human rights
organizations and Cuban independent journalists I have exposed his
propaganda as a lie. That makes the man wild with rage.
As he like to see himself as the "victim" (he once claimed he was
being censored in SCC) he therefore lashes out at people claiming that
those that contradict him are "CIA" agents (as if the CIA would care
about a third rate liar as Dan) and professional "lobbyists" probably
to make himself feel that he is "important" and to explain away his
complete propaganda failure (portraying himself as "overcome by
unsurmountable institutional odds").

- Personal hate and the "rat pack"

Dan has suffered the trauma of having part of his website remove
after a long battle over the personal attacks and falsifications he
had posted there.
The frequent exposures of his lies and hypocrisy only fueled the
personal hatred.
Dan ganged up with various other propagandists that people that have
been attacked by them refer to as the "rat pack". I have been the
target of the lies and slanderous insults of this "rat pack".
They specialize in online slander (from posting private information,
attacking their business or businesses they are associated with,
inciting others to harass people, over accusing people of being "CIA
agents" or "lobbyists" to the worst things one can imagine) and direct
harassment (phone calls, letters, letters with razor blade or white
powder, loitering in front of people's houses,.. up to death threats
in France).
All they succeeded in doing was to dramatically increase traffic to a
website I participate in ( www.cubaverdad.net ) and to suffer the
consequences of their slander.
Dan Christensen had part of his website removed. The Centre Che in
France had their complete website removed and their "secretary" known
here as "cubalibre" real name François Valy was sentenced to 6 months
jail for a whole series of abuses (including racism). A Spanish
"subsidiary" of the rat pack still has a surprise coming.
All because of their lies were exposed.

But then in the end this is what it boils down to: those that don't
have rational arguments find themselves exposed as the liars they are.
When that happens all they have left are the old
slander tactics: they attack the people that expose their lies in the
hope that they can intimidate them.
If Dan Christensen felt he had any chance to convince people directly
he would try to do so by posting facts and arguing facts.
He is reduced to snipping, posting the same snippets over and over
again, lies and slander.
As long as he and the rest of the "rat pack" (and their hangers on)
are reduced to that they expose" their own failure as Dan Christensen
does here every time.
Fine by me.


"The Cuban government is based on lies and cheap propaganda. That is
why it is afraid of words and the truth."
Raul Rivero, April 2006, University of Sevilla
2011-02-23 23:08:09 UTC
Post by PL
as always what he snipped is more indicative of what he fears
Post by CubaFAQ
Post by PL
According to local researchers,
Unnamed "local researchers???"
Yep and confirmed by one of your favorite sources.
Contact Ivet Gonzalez for the details and the names

Contact him yourself. Again, we are STILL waiting for those original
sources, Mr. Lobbyist -- and not just a couple of random names. At the
very least we need a solid reference to some original sources, e.g.
government or UN studies. It has been years now. Just what seems to
be be problem, Mr. Lobbyist?
Post by PL
"Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel
now moved to:http://www3.sympatico.ca/danchristienses/CubaFAQ215.html
When will you learn, Mr. Lobbyist?

The cowardly apologist PL would actually have readers believe that
Amnesty International actually supports his beloved embargo. Yes, he
really is THAT stupid, and THAT desperate! Sadly for him and all his
fellow embargo-Nazis, Amnesty has repeatedly condemned these cruel and
inhumane sanctions and called for them to be lifted immediately and

"The US government is acting CONTRARY to the Charter of the United
Nations by restricting the direct import of medicine and medical
equipment and supplies, and by imposing those restrictions on
companies operating in third countries."

“The RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO help to deprive Cuba of vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity.”

"The US embargo against Cuba is IMMORAL and should be lifted. It’s
preventing millions of Cubans from benefiting from vital medicines and
medical equipment essential for their health."

"Amnesty International calls on the US Congress to take, WITHOUT
FURTHER DELAY, the necessary steps towards lifting the economic,
financial and trade embargo against Cuba."

For links, etc. see footnotes.

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at its new home:
(The original CubaFAQ website. Don't be fooled by PL's cheap

PS: As an antidote to each of PL's venomous personal attacks here, and
to his lies and evasions on everything from his lobbying exploits to
the international condemnation of his beloved embargo, see: "PL's same
tired old lies and evasions EXPOSED" at


The facts as documented in reports recently released by Amnesty
International (my emphasis):

March 2009

"Amnesty International urges the US government to lift the nearly five-
decade long economic and trade embargo against Cuba as it is
detrimental to the fulfillment of the economic and social rights of
the Cuban people. It OBSTRUCTS AND CONSTRAINS efforts by the Cuban
government to purchase essential medicines, medical equipment and
supplies, food and agricultural products, construction materials and
access to new technologies.


September 2009

"The US embargo against Cuba is IMMORAL and should be lifted. It’s
preventing millions of Cubans from benefiting from vital medicines and
medical equipment essential for their health."

"Because of the US embargo, Cuba faces SEVERE RESTRICTIONS in
importing medicines, medical equipment or technologies from the USA or
from any US company abroad. The sanctions also limit other imports to
the island and restrict travel and the transfer of money."


"Amnesty International calls on the US Congress to take, WITHOUT
FURTHER DELAY, the necessary steps towards lifting the economic,
financial and trade embargo against Cuba...

"The US government is acting CONTRARY to the Charter of the United
Nations by restricting the direct import of medicine and medical
equipment and supplies, and by imposing those restrictions on
companies operating in third countries."

"The UN General Assembly has repeatedly CONDEMNED the US embargo as
contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and international law.
On 29 October 2008 the UN General Assembly passed a resolution
reiterating for the 17th time its call on the USA to end its embargo
against Cuba. That resolution was adopted with 185 votes in favour,
three against and two abstentions. The Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights has also reiterated its position regarding “the impact of
such sanctions on the human rights of the Cuban people and, therefore,

[Follow-up: In November 2009, with the exceptions of only the USA,
Israel and a handful of tiny, US island-colonies in the South Pacific,
representatives of EVERY nation on the planet voted at the UN General
Assembly to condemn these cruel and inhumane sanctions.]

[Follow-up: On October 26, 2010 the UN General Assembly voted
overwhelmingly again to condemn the US embargo. Only Israel voted with
the US against the resolution. Israel trades freely with Cuba, so even
this single vote cannot be seen as support for these cruel and
inhumane sanctions. On this the US is truly isolated in the world. The
only abstentions were the tiny US-island colonies in the South
Pacific: Palau (pop. 20,000), Micronesia (pop. 110,000) and the
Marshall Islands (pop. 60,000).]

"[E]xports of food and agricultural products to Cuba remain regulated
by the Department of Commerce and require a licence for export or re-
export. The export of medicines and medical supplies continues to be

“The RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO help to deprive Cuba of vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity.”

"The provision of health care has suffered from the LIMITATIONS AND
RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO on the procurement of basic and
specialized medical equipment and chemical components needed for the
production of generic medicines....

"Cuba was UNABLE TO IMPORT nutritional products destined for children
and for consumption at schools, hospitals and day care centres. This
had an adverse effect on the health and nutritional status of the

"Children’s health was also put at risk by a decision from syringe
suppliers to CANCEL an order for 3 million disposable syringes by
UNICEF’s Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization when it became
known that the units were destined for the implementation of the
programme in Cuba.

"The number of children suffering from heart conditions who are
waiting for appropriate treatment at a pediatric hospital has
increased after Cuba was unable to buy from the US-based companies the
necessary medical equipment for their treatment. The companies
allegedly refused to negotiate with Cuba because of the RESTRICTIONS

"LACK OF ACCESS to products manufactured by United States companies
such as St. Jude Medical, Boston Scientific and Amplatzer prevents the
provision of proper care to seriously ill patients who need a
pacemaker, St. Jude prosthetic valves or septal occluders, forcing
their treatment with alternative, riskier surgical techniques.

"It has been IMPOSSIBLE TO PURCHASE a positron emission tomography/
computerized tomography (PET/CT) scanner, a state-of-the-art piece of
medical equipment needed for treatment that is made by only three
manufacturers worldwide, all unauthorized to negotiate with Cuba."

The impact of economic sanctions on health and health services is not
limited to difficulties in the supply of medicine. Health and health
services depend on functioning water and sanitation infrastructure, on
electricity and other functioning equipment such as X-ray facilities
or refrigerators to store vaccines. The financial burden and
commercial barriers have led to shortages or intermittent availability
of drugs, medicines, equipment and spare parts. It has also hindered
the renovation of hospitals, clinics and care centres for the elderly.

(PDF format)

September 2010

"[The US embargo's is] negatively affecting Cubans’ access to
medicines and medical technologies and endangering the health of
millions. United Nations agencies and programs operating in Cuba, such
as UNICEF, UNAIDS and UNFPA, have reported that the US embargo has
undermined the implementation of programs aimed at improving the
living conditions of Cubans."


From other sources:

"[US Congressional] House Committee on Agriculture Chairman Collin
Peterson and U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar joined members of the National
Farmers Union (NFU) this week to call for passage of the Travel
Restriction and Export Enhancement Act. It would boost U.S.
agriculture by easing restrictions on the sale of homegrown food and
commodities to Cuba....

"The U.S. International Trade Commission estimated that U.S. exports
to Cuba could increase by nearly $500 million a year if provisions in
this legislation were enacted. In addition to the National Farmers
Union, the bill is supported by a broad coalition of national business
and agriculture industry groups."

Source: "Peterson, Klobuchar call for increased U.S. food and
commodity exports to Cuba," Echo Press, September 18, 2010

Note that Article 2c of the UN Genocide Convention states that the
crime of genocide includes, among other things, "deliberately
inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about
its physical destruction in whole or in part."


Again, as Amnesty International has reported, “The restrictions
imposed by the embargo help to deprive Cuba of vital access to
medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food, chemical water
treatment and electricity.” These are deliberate acts, the only
purpose of which can be to bring about the physical destruction of the
Cuban people in whole or in part. These cruel sanctions can,
therefore, even be seen as a form of genocide under international law!
Makes you proud, don't it, America?

Also, according to at least one US expert, in addition to blocking
essential imports, the US embargo is also a major impediment to the
development of agriculture and food production in Cuba:

"William A. Messina Jr., of the University of Florida's Agriculture
Science Institute, said that the communist island 'has such good soil
and it represents a challenge of such magnitude that, with the END OF
THE EMBARGO, the agricultural market impact on the continent would be
larger that of the Free Trade Treaty [North American Free Trade

Source: "Cuba's agriculture shows promise," Miami Herald, Sept. 9,

Contrary to PL's self-serving lies and rationalizations then, no
amount of US exports (or anything else) can possibly let his political
masters off the hook for deliberately depriving Cubans of "vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity” and impeding the
development of food production. Morally and legally, this is genocide.
2011-02-24 00:01:49 UTC
Post by CubaFAQ
Post by PL
as always what he snipped is more indicative of what he fears
Post by CubaFAQ
Post by PL
According to local researchers,
Unnamed "local researchers???"
The source:


ACTAF es La Asociación Cubana de Técnicos Agrícolas y Forestales. Una
organización no gubernamental, inscripta en el registro de asociaciones
de la Republica de Cuba desde el 2 de febrero de 1987. Con una
estructura funcional desagregada, en Filiales con personalidad jurídica
propia, en las 14 provincias del país. Cuenta con 23 694 afiliados, de
los cuales el 38% son mujeres, agrupados en 1 761 Órganos de Base y 2
219 Socios Institucionales a nivel de país, con una estructura de
trabajo organizada en filiales en todas las provincias incluido el
municipio especial de Isla de la Juventud. Como novedoso en la
estructura de ACTAF se incorpora el Presidente Municipal de la ACTAF,
aglutinando a todos los técnicos en el área municipal.

La ACTAF tiene como paradigma lograr el desarrollo de una agricultura
sostenible sobre bases agroecológicas, para lo cual no solo trabaja en
todo un amplio proceso de capacitación de sus asociados y de la sociedad
cubana en su conjunto sino también en el desarrollo de un proceso de
divulgación, promoción y reconocimiento a todas las experiencias
exitosas que de forma individual o colectiva logren efectivamente dar
cumplimiento y materialización al modelo de agricultura que como
organización propugnamos y defendemos. Domicilio legal: Calle 98 No.
702, esquina 7ma, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Telef.: + 53 7 202
7867, e-mail: ***@actaf.co.cu

Hacía la soberanía alimentaria?
Noticias - Destacado
Escrito por Ana Maria Dominguez Cruz
Lunes, 03 de Enero de 2011 12:22

""Sin embargo, el año pasado Cuba necesitaba importar el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que se consumían en ella, como consecuencia de
problemas organizativos, económicos y hasta conceptuales que dieron al
traste con una situación agrícola interna desfavorable, incluso desde el
punto de vista de los recursos humanos."

Post by CubaFAQ
Post by PL
Yep and confirmed by one of your favorite sources.
Contact Ivet Gonzalez for the details and the names
Contact him yourself.
It is a her you idiot.

Anyway: all data confirmed in the Cuban press by Cubadebate, Invasor,
CMHW and th" "Portal Informative" of the Cuban regime in JANUARY 2011!!!!

From Jan 25, 2011!!!!!

El 40% de la superficie cultivable de Cuba está ociosa, pero la
situación tiende a mejorar

Por Cubadebate Martes 25 de Enero de 2011 20:17

"Cuba importa cerca de un 80 por ciento de los víveres que consumen sus
habitantes y gasta en ello unos 1.500 millones de dólares al año."


the same here:

Hacía la soberanía alimentaria?
Noticias - Destacado
Escrito por Ana Maria Dominguez Cruz
Lunes, 03 de Enero de 2011 12:22

""Sin embargo, el año pasado Cuba necesitaba importar el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que se consumían en ella, como consecuencia de
problemas organizativos, económicos y hasta conceptuales que dieron al
traste con una situación agrícola interna desfavorable, incluso desde el
punto de vista de los recursos humanos."


"Tengamos en cuenta que Cuba prácticamente importa el 80 por ciento de
los alimentos que consume, para lo cual invirtió el año pasado más de 2
000 millones de dólares."


as usual I expose your lies and you post your spam

The standard reply to Dan's Genocide lie:

The 1948 Geneva Convention on Genocide article 2 is quoted in a very
misleading way by serial liar Dan Christensen:.
The text: (1)
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts
committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national,
ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life
to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
The text requires that the acts listed under a-e have been committed
with "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical,
racial or religious group".
In the case of the US trade sanctions this is clearly not the case.
The USA is Cuba's 5th trading partner (2) and largest food supplier
Cuba depends on food imports for 80% of total food consumption and
84% of the food distributed in the rationing system in place since
1962 (4).
These food imports total between 2 and 2.5 billion US dollars (5).
US provided in 2008 about a third of imported food in Cuba: over 700
million dollars and the US has soled over 4.4 billion dollars of food
since 2001 (6).
That means the US provided about 27% (80/3) of Cuba's food
in 2008 while the national agriculture only provided 20%.
Now: would a nation that wanted to destroy another nations' people
provide it with 27% of its food?
As far as the sale of medical products: Cuba purchased only 1.2
dollars in 2008, but in fact deals for a total of 143 million were
licensed by the US government. Cuba did not go through with 99% of
fully licensed deals. An expert stated that these were deliberate
political and economic decisions not to buy as Cuba prefers to get
goods for free(7).
Indeed: Cuba is in fact unable to pay for the imports its people
It has defaulted on various loans for years now (from way before the
financial crisis) and currently has not paid suppliers for over a
with debts standing at $ 1 billion. It has had to cut purchases of
from the US by 32% for 2009 (8).
The accusation of "genocide"is also rather hypocrite as the genocide
watchdog "Genocide Watch" has the Castro regime on its list of
regimes for its abuses against the people based on the same article 2
the convention (9).
(1) Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Genocide, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
- Prevent Genocide International
(2) Cuba's declining trade betrays depth of its crisis
"The United States, which is Cuba's fifth trading partner despite its
47-year-old trade embargo against the island, said sales to Cuba
$383.8 million through August, down 23 percent."
Cuba's declining trade betrays depth of its crisis | Reuters (20
(3)Reuteman: The Cuba question: To trade or not to trade?
"In 2005, the United States became the island's biggest food
Reuteman: The Cuba question: To trade or not to trade?
January 14, 2006


Cuba Pins Hopes On New Farms Run for Profit
Program Part of 'New Socialist Model'
"The United States, which has maintained a diplomatic deep freeze and
punishing economic blockade against the island for almost 50 years,
the island nation's largest supplier of food and agricultural
selling it an average of $350 million worth of beans, rice and frozen
chickens each year since 2001, when Congress created exceptions to
trade ban."
Cuba Pins Hopes on New For-Profit Farms - washingtonpost.com (28
September 2009)

(4) WFP:
In Cuba, which imports 80 percent of its food, iron-deficiency
is the commonest nutritional disorder: recent studies by the
of Nutrition and Food Hygiene show that anaemia prevalence in the
eastern region is 56.7 percent among children under 2 and 20.1
in children aged 2-5.
Support for the National Plan on Prevention and Control of Anaemia in
the Five Eastern Provinces of Cuba | WFP | United Nations World Food
Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide
Cuba, with a population of a little over 11 million people, imports
about 80% of its domestic food requirements.
Cuba | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger
"Tengamos en cuenta que Cuba practicamente importa el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que consume, para lo cual invirtioio pasado mas de
2000 millones de dolares."
Volveremos a los años '90?
Por Magaly Zamora Morejon (AIN)
Martes, 30 de Junio de 2009 14:18
"Asi en esta ciudad Magalys Calvo, viceministra de
Economia y Planificacion, durante una sesion de la Asamblea Provincial
Poder Popular.
El paiss importa anualmente el 84% de los alimentos destinados a la
canasta basica, por lo cual eroga unos mil millones de dolares, y
junto al petroleo el desembolso fundamental."
Necesita ia cubana aumentar produccion de alimentos
(5) Food imports
2 billion:
Cuba importa más de 80% de los alimentos que consume. La cuenta
ascenderá este año a $2.000 millones.
"Collective farm productivity is so bad, Cuba has been
forced to import over $2 billion a year in agricultural products."
ESR | October 12, 2009 | Cuba: Discovering personal independence (12
October 2009)
Ronald R. Cooke is the proprietor of The Cultural Economist. This is
first contribution to Enter Stage Right.
2.5 billion:
"Food imports cost 2.5 billion dollars in 2008, an amount the
wants to reduce."
Balancing Cuba's Lopsided Budget
October 16, 2009
By Patricia Grogg
Cuba importa el 80 por ciento de la comida que distribuye a la
a precios altamente subsidiados mediante la libreta. La factura de
alimentos llegó a 2.500 millones de dólares en el 2008.
Cuba recorta libreta de racionamiento - Yahoo! Noticias (6 November
(6) 2008 imports from the USA
"In 2008, Cuba imported from the USA US$ 710 million of food and
agricultural products"
President Obama should take the lead on lifting embargo against Cuba
Amnesty International (9 November 2009)
Invertia.com - Cuba importó alimentos de EE.UU. por 4.400 millones de
dólares desde 2001 (9 August 2009)
(7) Medical exports
"The U.S. says it approved $142 million in commercial and donated
medical exports to the communist island in 2008. So why did less than
percent of it get there?"
"It's not the embargo," said John Kavulich, a senior policy adviser
the New York-based U.S.-Cuba Economic Trade Council, which provides
nonpartisan commercial and economic information about Cuba. "These
economic and political decisions not to buy."
Cuba often waits for allies to donate what it needs, Kavulich said.
"They'd rather get things for free than pay for them."
It's unclear why U.S. medical exports aren't reaching Cuba | News for
Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Headline | International News
December 2009)
(8)Cuba' financial problems and reduction of food purchases.
Atrapados en el «corralito» cubano (1 December 2009)
Los gobiernos extranjeros interceden para que los bancos cubanos
sus deudas con las empresas privadas
LA HABANA, 19 Nov. (Reuters/EP) -

Cuba Moves to Decentralize Imports
July 21, 2009
HAVANA TIMES, July 20 - The Cuban government has decided to
expenditures in hard currency for imports, which will now be managed
by the individual ministries instead of a single centralized super
reported Mexico's La Jornada newspaper on Monday.
Nevertheless, the daily points out that the new measure does not
the fate of outstanding accounts that have not been paid to foreign
suppliers over the last seven months, estimated at around one billion
Cuba Moves to Decentralize Imports - Havana Times.org (21 July 2009)
Los exportadores valencianos llevan un año sin cobrar sus ventas a
- Valencia_Valencia - Valencia - ABC.es (15 July 2009)
Cuba tells creditors debt grew by $1.1 billion
Fri Sep 5, 2008 6:12pm EDT
By Marc Frank
Cuba can't pay debt to Russian bank
September 04, 2008
South Africa waives Cuban debt
Ambassador says Mexico will re-negotiate Cuban debt to improve
The Associated Press
Published: November 28, 2007
India agrees to waive $62 million in Cuban debt
"Cuban purchases of food from the United States will fall by at least
third this year as the island slashes imports to stabilise an ever-
economy further hammered by the global economic crisis, a top trade
official said Monday."
Jamaica Gleaner News - Cuba to buy less US food - Business -
November 18, 2009 (18 November 2009)
(9) Genocide Watch is the Coordinator of the International Campaign
End Genocide
Listing of the Castro regime:

Here are some pictures of children whose murder Dan Christensen supported:


The names of the children whose killing Dan Christensen supports:

Angel René ABREU Ruiz, 3
Giselle (or Lisette) BORGES Alvarez, 4
José Carlos NIKEL Anaya, 3
Marjolís MENDEZ Tacoronte, 17
Yousel Eugenio PEREZ Tacoronte, 11
Caridad LEYVA Tacoronte, 4
Yasse (or Yasser) PERODIN Almanza, 11

The testimony of a child that survived the killings Dan Christensen

Posted on Wed, Jun. 01, 2005
`Our only luggage was hope'

Sergio Perodín Jr., a survivor of the 13 de Marzo tugboat massacre, is
graduating from Coral Gables Senior High today.

Original link:
Permanent link:

The facts on Cuba's agriculture:

again Dan Christensen is trying to put words in other people's mouth
based on misquotes snipped the facts and the quote from Castro
confirming that Dan is no more than a desperate liar.
Another misquote to end the series.

all experts agree, Dan, that Cuba needs to reform its agriculture
before any increase in production is possible.
Even Raul Castro has admitted that.

"This is an effort to revitalize an agriculture sector hampered by
decades of government mismanagement" said Raul Castro.
(Yep even your political masters expose you - again - as the liar you

The problem is: for dogmatic reasons his market reforms are falling
far short of what is needed to revitalize food production even for the
local people.
Cuba, before Castro, was a net food exporter and can be that again
given structural reform as even your expert stated. No change in
regulation, no realization of potential.

"``The Cuban climate is very good, has good resources, and an
agricultural system with potential,'' Messina said. ``But the truth is
that we don't see big trends toward its development in terms of


a fact all experts agree on.
Land is not used or has a very low productivity.
The solution id to free the sector and allow for foreign investment, a
point Messina also made.

"La agricultura cubana requiere cambios urgentes
Oscar Espinosa Chepe

Currently Castro's "reforms"have only succeeded in reducing output.

"Cuban food output down despite agriculture reforms
By Marc Frank Marc Frank Tue Aug 3, 2:43 pm ET

Elias Amor Bravo
Economista ULC

"Cuba: reduced imports, declining local production."
and the news at:
Post by CubaFAQ
PS: As an antidote to PL's venomous personal attacks on me
You are the one posting "venomous personal attcks", Dan, as anyone can see.
What a hypocrite liar you are.


again Dan Christensen shows what a hypocrite liar he is.
He is the one doing the "attacking" with his lies and slander.
As all can see I only post this piece that exposes his lies when he
has started his slanderous attacks.
That by the way is in general within a couple of exchanges on the
facts of the case involved as by then he is so stuck that he has to
resort to lies and insults.

Please note that lies combined with personal attacks only destroy
your credibility, Dan.

Dan Christensen knows I am not a lobbyist and that it is all just a
slander campaign.
As a good follower of Goebbels he keeps repeating his lies in the hope
that something will stick and that he maybe can mislead some people
don't know what he is all about.
Desperate Dan Is doing his bit in the slander campaign of the "rat
he is associated with. The contribution of his pals at the Centre
Ernesto Che Guevara in this group recently just shows what Dan and his
cronies are all about: lies, insults, slander and intimidation.

Actually: given your actions in the past Dan you fit the lobbyist
profile a lot closer.

You contact people in support of the Cuban regime and with the aim to
have them change the content of their website or change public
statements. You even pose as a "journalist" or "researcher" while
doing so.
The fact that you have been utterly unsuccessful at it and that only
your website suffered the removal of pages just shows what a bad
lobbyist you are.

Your Club Med, lobbying, CIA lies are exposed again

Links to the threads Dan produces his "lobbyist" misquotes from and
the exposure of his lies by others:

For those that want to see the full thread and the complete messages
in their context (which Dan Christensen desperately hopes nobody will
as it will expose his lies), here is a link to the threads concerned.

To Dan Christensen's great frustration his lies by now have been
exposed by various other people in other threads like:

Dan Christensen lied when he claimed I had stated that I had been at
Club Med in Varadero - a hotel he tried to depict as a sleazy sex
resort - to "lobby" people.
Just one example:
Dan Christensen even suggested the whole trip was paid for by the CIA
thereby accusing Belgian officials of not only sexual impropriety, but
also of active corruption.
You see: Dan Christensen just doesn't know when to stop lying and gets
caught up in his "cloak and dagger" childish fantasies.
His lies are so over the top that it all become a big joke that people
can easily see though.
Here is one example of how serial liar Dan Christensen was exposed.

The lies of Dan Christensen about me that were exposed:
- his lie about me playing golf to "lobby": exposed. Dan Christensen
had to admit there were no quotes to support any of that.
- his lie about singles resorts and schmoozing: exposed as various
people stated that it is merely a family resort that even had a circus
school for children
- his lie about me being in Varadero: exposed as Dan Christensen had
to admit I never said I was there
- his lie that it were all "CIA junkets" exposed as Dan Christensen
ran like hell when he realized that this lie could expose him to legal
- his lie that I had "self-confessed" anything: exposed by people that
put the snippets Dan Christensen abusively posts in context (as shown
in this message)
All Dan Christensen's lies have been exposed by various people.

as I said comrade
Dan: whenever you post your lies about me I post the truth about you.
Your record of lies, innuendo, insults and support of human rights
abuses discredits you.
All shame you brought on yourself by your attitude and actions.

The exposure of the "lobbyist" lie in further detail.

Dan Christensen's abuse of misquotes has been exposed over and over
again. He just aped the lie of another apologist that dropped that
specific lie very quickly. The guy is indeed smarter than stupid Dan.
When Dan Christensen tried to come up with his own "new and
improved" version of the lie he fell flat on his face.
He claimed I had been "lobbying" people In Geneva while his Rat Pack
pal "cuba libre" that stalked me then showed from an IP address from
which I had posted something that I was in Santiago de Cuba at the
time. One Rat Pack member exposing another's lies with the result of
his cyber stalking. Ironic.

Dan's other exposed false claim:
"Taking a little break from arm-twisting in Geneva, Mr. Lobbyist?"

Again it is clear what a pathetic loser Dan Christensen is.

Below you will find what is behind Dan Christensen's slanderous
campaign: facts he can't deny.

- Frustration

I exposed Dan Christensen as a fraud in this group years ago when I
blew his "cover". In SCC he tried to portray himself as an
interested party" with no political agenda.
When I came across a blatantly different reply to a similar question
in a Stalinist e-group to which I had been invited I posted it to show
his lying hypocrisy.
Since then he has been pissed as hell as it undermined his lying
propaganda effort to mislead "those in the background" (his own words,
those that didn't have "local knowledge". He himself admitted in the
same e-group that propagandist like him can never "convince" those
with "local knowledge". In frequent exchanges he got some mad he often
forgot to keep up the pretense and made him show his hand and true

"In my opinion the advances made by the Revolution are morally well
worth fighting for and justify the use of these extraordinary
measures. In this case, the ends do indeed justify the means.
These measures, however, would NOT be morally justified in propping
less worthy regimes in the region -- the USA and its vassal states in
Caribbean and Latin America come immediately to mind."


"It is wrong to think that a particular end justifies EVERY means. At
this time, for example, it would be wrong of the Cuban government to
send death squads after their opponents as happens in Mexico and
Colombia. Again, the actions of the Cuban government in detaining
these so-called dissidents seem quite mild in comparison and are
morally justified under the circumstances."


That meant he was exposed a the hypocrite liar he is. It showed that
the false claims he made about others (support of genocide, torture,
abuses, ..) in fact only applied to him.

I have also frequently exposed his lies about facts and people in SCC.

Dan Christensen once claimed:
"It is clear from Smith's article here (and his website, CIP Online)
that he does, in fact, support an immediate and unconditional lifting
of your beloved embargo."

Mr. Smith's own words:

'We should reduce tensions, not aggravate it, making it clear to the
Cuban government that we do not have hostile intentions toward them,''
said during a 40-minute speech at a conference titled Cuba and the
United States: Relations in Permanent Conflict, Causes, Effects and
''I did not say lift the embargo without conditions,'' he said.
You can enter after a free registration.
Permanent copy in the Cubaverdad archive:

Then there is the issue of his lying website: acting with a third
person I had pages removed (for violations of law, slander, ...), I
have shamed him in to changing it on
various occasions (adding links that would then expose his lies,
remove lying caption from pictures, ...) and I have in general exposed
the lies on it (on Amnesty International for example)

What Dan claimed on his website (the misquote):
"Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel
now moved to:

Link to the "report": (the one Dan didn't give until I shamed him in
to it)

where the only thing Amnesty international asks for "immediately and
unconditionally" is the release of political prisoners.


"in 1.
"On the basis of the available information, therefore, Amnesty
International considers the 75 dissidents to be prisoners of
(2) and calls for their immediate and unconditional release."

In 8.1
" to immediately and unconditionally release the 15 prisoners
previously named by Amnesty International as prisoners of conscience.

" to immediately and unconditionally release anyone else who is
detained or imprisoned solely for having peacefully exercised their
rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly."
end of quote

- Dogmatic hatred.

Dan Christensen is a hard-line Stalinist. His first steps in SCC were
to defend Stalin and in other forums he has praised "workers
democracy" under Stalin.
He has admitted that he is ready to fight to the last Cuban (from his
comfortable armchair in Canada) for his cause.
By posting the reports from the international press, human rights
organizations and Cuban independent journalists I have exposed his
propaganda as a lie. That makes the man wild with rage.
As he like to see himself as the "victim" (he once claimed he was
being censored in SCC) he therefore lashes out at people claiming that
those that contradict him are "CIA" agents (as if the CIA would care
about a third rate liar as Dan) and professional "lobbyists" probably
to make himself feel that he is "important" and to explain away his
complete propaganda failure (portraying himself as "overcome by
unsurmountable institutional odds").

- Personal hate and the "rat pack"

Dan has suffered the trauma of having part of his website remove
after a long battle over the personal attacks and falsifications he
had posted there.
The frequent exposures of his lies and hypocrisy only fueled the
personal hatred.
Dan ganged up with various other propagandists that people that have
been attacked by them refer to as the "rat pack". I have been the
target of the lies and slanderous insults of this "rat pack".
They specialize in online slander (from posting private information,
attacking their business or businesses they are associated with,
inciting others to harass people, over accusing people of being "CIA
agents" or "lobbyists" to the worst things one can imagine) and direct
harassment (phone calls, letters, letters with razor blade or white
powder, loitering in front of people's houses,.. up to death threats
in France).
All they succeeded in doing was to dramatically increase traffic to a
website I participate in ( www.cubaverdad.net ) and to suffer the
consequences of their slander.
Dan Christensen had part of his website removed. The Centre Che in
France had their complete website removed and their "secretary" known
here as "cubalibre" real name François Valy was sentenced to 6 months
jail for a whole series of abuses (including racism). A Spanish
"subsidiary" of the rat pack still has a surprise coming.
All because of their lies were exposed.

But then in the end this is what it boils down to: those that don't
have rational arguments find themselves exposed as the liars they are.
When that happens all they have left are the old
slander tactics: they attack the people that expose their lies in the
hope that they can intimidate them.
If Dan Christensen felt he had any chance to convince people directly
he would try to do so by posting facts and arguing facts.
He is reduced to snipping, posting the same snippets over and over
again, lies and slander.
As long as he and the rest of the "rat pack" (and their hangers on)
are reduced to that they expose" their own failure as Dan Christensen
does here every time.
Fine by me.


"The Cuban government is based on lies and cheap propaganda. That is
why it is afraid of words and the truth."
Raul Rivero, April 2006, University of Sevilla
2011-02-24 06:36:03 UTC
Post by PL
as always what he snipped is more indicative of what he fears
Post by CubaFAQ
Post by PL
According to local researchers,
Unnamed "local researchers???"
ACTAF es La Asociaci n Cubana de T cnicos Agr colas y Forestales. Una
organizaci n no gubernamental, inscripta en el registro de asociaciones
de la Republica de Cuba desde el 2 de febrero de 1987. Con una
estructura funcional desagregada, en Filiales con personalidad jur dica
propia, en las 14 provincias del pa s. Cuenta con 23 694 afiliados, de
los cuales el 38%  son mujeres, agrupados en 1 761 rganos de Base y 2
219 Socios Institucionales a nivel de pa s, con una estructura de
trabajo organizada en filiales en  todas las provincias incluido el
municipio especial de Isla de la Juventud. Como novedoso en la
estructura de ACTAF se incorpora el Presidente Municipal de la ACTAF,
aglutinando a todos los t cnicos en el rea municipal.
La ACTAF tiene como paradigma lograr el desarrollo de una agricultura
sostenible sobre bases agroecol gicas, para lo cual no solo trabaja en
todo un amplio proceso de capacitaci n de sus asociados y de la sociedad
cubana en su conjunto sino tambi n en el desarrollo de un proceso de
divulgaci n, promoci n y reconocimiento a todas las experiencias
exitosas que de forma individual o colectiva logren efectivamente dar
cumplimiento y materializaci n al modelo de agricultura que como
organizaci n propugnamos y defendemos. Domicilio legal: Calle 98 No.
702, esquina 7ma, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Telef.: + 53 7 202
Hac a la soberan a alimentaria?
Noticias - Destacado
Escrito por Ana Maria Dominguez Cruz
Lunes, 03 de Enero de 2011 12:22
""Sin embargo, el a o pasado Cuba necesitaba importar el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que se consum an en ella, como consecuencia de
problemas organizativos, econ micos y hasta conceptuales que dieron al
traste con una situaci n agr cola interna desfavorable, incluso desde el
punto de vista de los recursos humanos."

Still no original source, I see. Still no one seems able to cite any
official government or UN studies to support this claim. Even you have
to wonder why, Mr. Lobbyist. It is well known, after all, that imports
of everything is down sharply over the past few years due to the
financial crisis perpetrated by your man, Dubya, and his bankster
cronies. Much to your chagrin, however, there are STILL no reports of
any generalized food crisis in Cuba in the international media. No
corpses piling up in the streets. No food riots. No relief camps. That
is only wishful thinking on your part, Mr. Lobbyist. Unless you can
prove otherwise -- we know you can't -- do not expect a reply from me
on this matter.
as usual I expose your lies and you post your spam
As usual, you expose your complete and utter despair, Mr. Lobbyist.
Unable to refute reports form Amnesty International and the UN (see
footnotes), you can only snip and run away in terror.
What the cowardly apologist PL snipped without indicating:

The cowardly apologist PL would actually have readers believe that
Amnesty International actually supports his beloved embargo. Yes, he
really is THAT stupid, and THAT desperate! Sadly for him and all his
fellow embargo-Nazis, Amnesty has repeatedly condemned these cruel and
inhumane sanctions and called for them to be lifted immediately and

"The US government is acting CONTRARY to the Charter of the United
Nations by restricting the direct import of medicine and medical
equipment and supplies, and by imposing those restrictions on
companies operating in third countries."

“The RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO help to deprive Cuba of vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity.”

"The US embargo against Cuba is IMMORAL and should be lifted. It’s
preventing millions of Cubans from benefiting from vital medicines and
medical equipment essential for their health."

"Amnesty International calls on the US Congress to take, WITHOUT
FURTHER DELAY, the necessary steps towards lifting the economic,
financial and trade embargo against Cuba."

For links, etc. see footnotes.
The 1948 Geneva Convention on Genocide article 2 is quoted in a very
misleading way by serial liar Dan Christensen:.
[snipping PL's same old self-serving lies and rationalizations]

Unable to refute these reports from Amnesty International and the UN
that prove his beloved embargo is indeed a form of genocide, the
cowardly apologist PL is reduced once again to snipping and running.
And mindlessly repeating his already failed lies and rationalizations
word-for-word, each repeatedly exposed and debunked here. Most
recently, see the discussion in the thread, "Amnesty International
slams US embargo... AGAIN!" at:

Time to be a man for once, Mr. Lobbyist. Time to finally stand up for
what you REALLY believe. And we both know it has absolutely NOTHING to
do with "democracy" and "human rights," don't we?

If this is really the best you can do, Mr. Lobbyist, do not expect a
reply from me on this matter either.

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at its new home:
(The original CubaFAQ website. Don't be fooled by PL's cheap

PS: As an antidote to each of PL's venomous personal attacks here, and
to his lies and evasions on everything from his lobbying exploits to
the international condemnation of his beloved embargo, see: "PL's same
tired old lies and evasions EXPOSED" at

Footnotes (which the cowardly apologist PL keeps snipping and refusing
to address)

The facts as documented in reports recently released by Amnesty
International (my emphasis):

March 2009

"Amnesty International urges the US government to lift the nearly five-
decade long economic and trade embargo against Cuba as it is
detrimental to the fulfillment of the economic and social rights of
the Cuban people. It OBSTRUCTS AND CONSTRAINS efforts by the Cuban
government to purchase essential medicines, medical equipment and
supplies, food and agricultural products, construction materials and
access to new technologies.


September 2009

"The US embargo against Cuba is IMMORAL and should be lifted. It’s
preventing millions of Cubans from benefiting from vital medicines and
medical equipment essential for their health."

"Because of the US embargo, Cuba faces SEVERE RESTRICTIONS in
importing medicines, medical equipment or technologies from the USA or
from any US company abroad. The sanctions also limit other imports to
the island and restrict travel and the transfer of money."


"Amnesty International calls on the US Congress to take, WITHOUT
FURTHER DELAY, the necessary steps towards lifting the economic,
financial and trade embargo against Cuba...

"The US government is acting CONTRARY to the Charter of the United
Nations by restricting the direct import of medicine and medical
equipment and supplies, and by imposing those restrictions on
companies operating in third countries."

"The UN General Assembly has repeatedly CONDEMNED the US embargo as
contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and international law.
On 29 October 2008 the UN General Assembly passed a resolution
reiterating for the 17th time its call on the USA to end its embargo
against Cuba. That resolution was adopted with 185 votes in favour,
three against and two abstentions. The Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights has also reiterated its position regarding “the impact of
such sanctions on the human rights of the Cuban people and, therefore,

[Follow-up: In November 2009, with the exceptions of only the USA,
Israel and a handful of tiny, US island-colonies in the South Pacific,
representatives of EVERY nation on the planet voted at the UN General
Assembly to condemn these cruel and inhumane sanctions.]

[Follow-up: On October 26, 2010 the UN General Assembly voted
overwhelmingly again to condemn the US embargo. Only Israel voted with
the US against the resolution. Israel trades freely with Cuba, so even
this single vote cannot be seen as support for these cruel and
inhumane sanctions. On this the US is truly isolated in the world. The
only abstentions were the tiny US-island colonies in the South
Pacific: Palau (pop. 20,000), Micronesia (pop. 110,000) and the
Marshall Islands (pop. 60,000).]

"[E]xports of food and agricultural products to Cuba remain regulated
by the Department of Commerce and require a licence for export or re-
export. The export of medicines and medical supplies continues to be

“The RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO help to deprive Cuba of vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity.”

"The provision of health care has suffered from the LIMITATIONS AND
RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO on the procurement of basic and
specialized medical equipment and chemical components needed for the
production of generic medicines....

"Cuba was UNABLE TO IMPORT nutritional products destined for children
and for consumption at schools, hospitals and day care centres. This
had an adverse effect on the health and nutritional status of the

"Children’s health was also put at risk by a decision from syringe
suppliers to CANCEL an order for 3 million disposable syringes by
UNICEF’s Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization when it became
known that the units were destined for the implementation of the
programme in Cuba.

"The number of children suffering from heart conditions who are
waiting for appropriate treatment at a pediatric hospital has
increased after Cuba was unable to buy from the US-based companies the
necessary medical equipment for their treatment. The companies
allegedly refused to negotiate with Cuba because of the RESTRICTIONS

"LACK OF ACCESS to products manufactured by United States companies
such as St. Jude Medical, Boston Scientific and Amplatzer prevents the
provision of proper care to seriously ill patients who need a
pacemaker, St. Jude prosthetic valves or septal occluders, forcing
their treatment with alternative, riskier surgical techniques.

"It has been IMPOSSIBLE TO PURCHASE a positron emission tomography/
computerized tomography (PET/CT) scanner, a state-of-the-art piece of
medical equipment needed for treatment that is made by only three
manufacturers worldwide, all unauthorized to negotiate with Cuba."

The impact of economic sanctions on health and health services is not
limited to difficulties in the supply of medicine. Health and health
services depend on functioning water and sanitation infrastructure, on
electricity and other functioning equipment such as X-ray facilities
or refrigerators to store vaccines. The financial burden and
commercial barriers have led to shortages or intermittent availability
of drugs, medicines, equipment and spare parts. It has also hindered
the renovation of hospitals, clinics and care centres for the elderly.

(PDF format)

September 2010

"[The US embargo's is] negatively affecting Cubans’ access to
medicines and medical technologies and endangering the health of
millions. United Nations agencies and programs operating in Cuba, such
as UNICEF, UNAIDS and UNFPA, have reported that the US embargo has
undermined the implementation of programs aimed at improving the
living conditions of Cubans."


From other sources:

"[US Congressional] House Committee on Agriculture Chairman Collin
Peterson and U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar joined members of the National
Farmers Union (NFU) this week to call for passage of the Travel
Restriction and Export Enhancement Act. It would boost U.S.
agriculture by easing restrictions on the sale of homegrown food and
commodities to Cuba....

"The U.S. International Trade Commission estimated that U.S. exports
to Cuba could increase by nearly $500 million a year if provisions in
this legislation were enacted. In addition to the National Farmers
Union, the bill is supported by a broad coalition of national business
and agriculture industry groups."

Source: "Peterson, Klobuchar call for increased U.S. food and
commodity exports to Cuba," Echo Press, September 18, 2010

Note that Article 2c of the UN Genocide Convention states that the
crime of genocide includes, among other things, "deliberately
inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about
its physical destruction in whole or in part."


Again, as Amnesty International has reported, “The restrictions
imposed by the embargo help to deprive Cuba of vital access to
medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food, chemical water
treatment and electricity.” These are deliberate acts, the only
purpose of which can be to bring about the physical destruction of the
Cuban people in whole or in part. These cruel sanctions can,
therefore, even be seen as a form of genocide under international law!
Makes you proud, don't it, America?

Also, according to at least one US expert, in addition to blocking
essential imports, the US embargo is also a major impediment to the
development of agriculture and food production in Cuba:

"William A. Messina Jr., of the University of Florida's Agriculture
Science Institute, said that the communist island 'has such good soil
and it represents a challenge of such magnitude that, with the END OF
THE EMBARGO, the agricultural market impact on the continent would be
larger that of the Free Trade Treaty [North American Free Trade

Source: "Cuba's agriculture shows promise," Miami Herald, Sept. 9,

Contrary to PL's self-serving lies and rationalizations then, no
amount of US exports (or anything else) can possibly let his political
masters off the hook for deliberately depriving Cubans of "vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity” and impeding the
development of food production. Morally and legally, this is genocide.
2011-02-24 09:21:50 UTC
Post by CubaFAQ
Post by PL
as always what he snipped is more indicative of what he fears
Post by CubaFAQ
Post by PL
According to local researchers,
Unnamed "local researchers???"
ACTAF es La Asociaci n Cubana de T cnicos Agr colas y Forestales. Una
organizaci n no gubernamental, inscripta en el registro de asociaciones
de la Republica de Cuba desde el 2 de febrero de 1987. Con una
estructura funcional desagregada, en Filiales con personalidad jur dica
propia, en las 14 provincias del pa s. Cuenta con 23 694 afiliados, de
los cuales el 38% son mujeres, agrupados en 1 761 rganos de Base y 2
219 Socios Institucionales a nivel de pa s, con una estructura de
trabajo organizada en filiales en todas las provincias incluido el
municipio especial de Isla de la Juventud. Como novedoso en la
estructura de ACTAF se incorpora el Presidente Municipal de la ACTAF,
aglutinando a todos los t cnicos en el rea municipal.
La ACTAF tiene como paradigma lograr el desarrollo de una agricultura
sostenible sobre bases agroecol gicas, para lo cual no solo trabaja en
todo un amplio proceso de capacitaci n de sus asociados y de la sociedad
cubana en su conjunto sino tambi n en el desarrollo de un proceso de
divulgaci n, promoci n y reconocimiento a todas las experiencias
exitosas que de forma individual o colectiva logren efectivamente dar
cumplimiento y materializaci n al modelo de agricultura que como
organizaci n propugnamos y defendemos. Domicilio legal: Calle 98 No.
702, esquina 7ma, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Telef.: + 53 7 202
Hac a la soberan a alimentaria?
Noticias - Destacado
Escrito por Ana Maria Dominguez Cruz
Lunes, 03 de Enero de 2011 12:22
""Sin embargo, el a o pasado Cuba necesitaba importar el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que se consum an en ella, como consecuencia de
problemas organizativos, econ micos y hasta conceptuales que dieron al
traste con una situaci n agr cola interna desfavorable, incluso desde el
punto de vista de los recursos humanos."
Still no original source,
How original do you want it to be, Dan.
This is the Cuban state organization of agricultural specialists.
Post by CubaFAQ
I see. Still no one seems able to cite any
official government(snip)
Both government newspapers and the association of specialist state the
facts, Dan.
You go down as the liar you are.


ACTAF es La Asociación Cubana de Técnicos Agrícolas y Forestales. Una
organización no gubernamental, inscripta en el registro de asociaciones
de la Republica de Cuba desde el 2 de febrero de 1987. Con una
estructura funcional desagregada, en Filiales con personalidad jurídica
propia, en las 14 provincias del país. Cuenta con 23 694 afiliados, de
los cuales el 38% son mujeres, agrupados en 1 761 Órganos de Base y 2
219 Socios Institucionales a nivel de país, con una estructura de
trabajo organizada en filiales en todas las provincias incluido el
municipio especial de Isla de la Juventud. Como novedoso en la
estructura de ACTAF se incorpora el Presidente Municipal de la ACTAF,
aglutinando a todos los técnicos en el área municipal.

La ACTAF tiene como paradigma lograr el desarrollo de una agricultura
sostenible sobre bases agroecológicas, para lo cual no solo trabaja en
todo un amplio proceso de capacitación de sus asociados y de la sociedad
cubana en su conjunto sino también en el desarrollo de un proceso de
divulgación, promoción y reconocimiento a todas las experiencias
exitosas que de forma individual o colectiva logren efectivamente dar
cumplimiento y materialización al modelo de agricultura que como
organización propugnamos y defendemos. Domicilio legal: Calle 98 No.
702, esquina 7ma, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Telef.: + 53 7 202
7867, e-mail: ***@actaf.co.cu

Hacía la soberanía alimentaria?
Noticias - Destacado
Escrito por Ana Maria Dominguez Cruz
Lunes, 03 de Enero de 2011 12:22

""Sin embargo, el año pasado Cuba necesitaba importar el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que se consumían en ella, como consecuencia de
problemas organizativos, económicos y hasta conceptuales que dieron al
traste con una situación agrícola interna desfavorable, incluso desde el
punto de vista de los recursos humanos."


Anyway: all data confirmed in the Cuban press by Cubadebate, Invasor,
CMHW and th" "Portal Informative" of the Cuban regime in JANUARY 2011!!!!

From Jan 25, 2011!!!!!

El 40% de la superficie cultivable de Cuba está ociosa, pero la
situación tiende a mejorar

Por Cubadebate Martes 25 de Enero de 2011 20:17

"Cuba importa cerca de un 80 por ciento de los víveres que consumen sus
habitantes y gasta en ello unos 1.500 millones de dólares al año."


the same here:

Hacía la soberanía alimentaria?
Noticias - Destacado
Escrito por Ana Maria Dominguez Cruz
Lunes, 03 de Enero de 2011 12:22

""Sin embargo, el año pasado Cuba necesitaba importar el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que se consumían en ella, como consecuencia de
problemas organizativos, económicos y hasta conceptuales que dieron al
traste con una situación agrícola interna desfavorable, incluso desde el
punto de vista de los recursos humanos."


"Tengamos en cuenta que Cuba prácticamente importa el 80 por ciento de
los alimentos que consume, para lo cual invirtió el año pasado más de 2
000 millones de dólares."


as usual I expose your lies and you post your spam

The standard reply to Dan's Genocide lie:

The 1948 Geneva Convention on Genocide article 2 is quoted in a very
misleading way by serial liar Dan Christensen:.
The text: (1)
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts
committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national,
ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life
to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
The text requires that the acts listed under a-e have been committed
with "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical,
racial or religious group".
In the case of the US trade sanctions this is clearly not the case.
The USA is Cuba's 5th trading partner (2) and largest food supplier
Cuba depends on food imports for 80% of total food consumption and
84% of the food distributed in the rationing system in place since
1962 (4).
These food imports total between 2 and 2.5 billion US dollars (5).
US provided in 2008 about a third of imported food in Cuba: over 700
million dollars and the US has soled over 4.4 billion dollars of food
since 2001 (6).
That means the US provided about 27% (80/3) of Cuba's food
in 2008 while the national agriculture only provided 20%.
Now: would a nation that wanted to destroy another nations' people
provide it with 27% of its food?
As far as the sale of medical products: Cuba purchased only 1.2
dollars in 2008, but in fact deals for a total of 143 million were
licensed by the US government. Cuba did not go through with 99% of
fully licensed deals. An expert stated that these were deliberate
political and economic decisions not to buy as Cuba prefers to get
goods for free(7).
Indeed: Cuba is in fact unable to pay for the imports its people
It has defaulted on various loans for years now (from way before the
financial crisis) and currently has not paid suppliers for over a
with debts standing at $ 1 billion. It has had to cut purchases of
from the US by 32% for 2009 (8).
The accusation of "genocide"is also rather hypocrite as the genocide
watchdog "Genocide Watch" has the Castro regime on its list of
regimes for its abuses against the people based on the same article 2
the convention (9).
(1) Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Genocide, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
- Prevent Genocide International
(2) Cuba's declining trade betrays depth of its crisis
"The United States, which is Cuba's fifth trading partner despite its
47-year-old trade embargo against the island, said sales to Cuba
$383.8 million through August, down 23 percent."
Cuba's declining trade betrays depth of its crisis | Reuters (20
(3)Reuteman: The Cuba question: To trade or not to trade?
"In 2005, the United States became the island's biggest food
Reuteman: The Cuba question: To trade or not to trade?
January 14, 2006


Cuba Pins Hopes On New Farms Run for Profit
Program Part of 'New Socialist Model'
"The United States, which has maintained a diplomatic deep freeze and
punishing economic blockade against the island for almost 50 years,
the island nation's largest supplier of food and agricultural
selling it an average of $350 million worth of beans, rice and frozen
chickens each year since 2001, when Congress created exceptions to
trade ban."
Cuba Pins Hopes on New For-Profit Farms - washingtonpost.com (28
September 2009)

(4) WFP:
In Cuba, which imports 80 percent of its food, iron-deficiency
is the commonest nutritional disorder: recent studies by the
of Nutrition and Food Hygiene show that anaemia prevalence in the
eastern region is 56.7 percent among children under 2 and 20.1
in children aged 2-5.
Support for the National Plan on Prevention and Control of Anaemia in
the Five Eastern Provinces of Cuba | WFP | United Nations World Food
Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide
Cuba, with a population of a little over 11 million people, imports
about 80% of its domestic food requirements.
Cuba | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger
"Tengamos en cuenta que Cuba practicamente importa el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que consume, para lo cual invirtioio pasado mas de
2000 millones de dolares."
Volveremos a los años '90?
Por Magaly Zamora Morejon (AIN)
Martes, 30 de Junio de 2009 14:18
"Asi en esta ciudad Magalys Calvo, viceministra de
Economia y Planificacion, durante una sesion de la Asamblea Provincial
Poder Popular.
El paiss importa anualmente el 84% de los alimentos destinados a la
canasta basica, por lo cual eroga unos mil millones de dolares, y
junto al petroleo el desembolso fundamental."
Necesita ia cubana aumentar produccion de alimentos
(5) Food imports
2 billion:
Cuba importa más de 80% de los alimentos que consume. La cuenta
ascenderá este año a $2.000 millones.
"Collective farm productivity is so bad, Cuba has been
forced to import over $2 billion a year in agricultural products."
ESR | October 12, 2009 | Cuba: Discovering personal independence (12
October 2009)
Ronald R. Cooke is the proprietor of The Cultural Economist. This is
first contribution to Enter Stage Right.
2.5 billion:
"Food imports cost 2.5 billion dollars in 2008, an amount the
wants to reduce."
Balancing Cuba's Lopsided Budget
October 16, 2009
By Patricia Grogg
Cuba importa el 80 por ciento de la comida que distribuye a la
a precios altamente subsidiados mediante la libreta. La factura de
alimentos llegó a 2.500 millones de dólares en el 2008.
Cuba recorta libreta de racionamiento - Yahoo! Noticias (6 November
(6) 2008 imports from the USA
"In 2008, Cuba imported from the USA US$ 710 million of food and
agricultural products"
President Obama should take the lead on lifting embargo against Cuba
Amnesty International (9 November 2009)
Invertia.com - Cuba importó alimentos de EE.UU. por 4.400 millones de
dólares desde 2001 (9 August 2009)
(7) Medical exports
"The U.S. says it approved $142 million in commercial and donated
medical exports to the communist island in 2008. So why did less than
percent of it get there?"
"It's not the embargo," said John Kavulich, a senior policy adviser
the New York-based U.S.-Cuba Economic Trade Council, which provides
nonpartisan commercial and economic information about Cuba. "These
economic and political decisions not to buy."
Cuba often waits for allies to donate what it needs, Kavulich said.
"They'd rather get things for free than pay for them."
It's unclear why U.S. medical exports aren't reaching Cuba | News for
Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Headline | International News
December 2009)
(8)Cuba' financial problems and reduction of food purchases.
Atrapados en el «corralito» cubano (1 December 2009)
Los gobiernos extranjeros interceden para que los bancos cubanos
sus deudas con las empresas privadas
LA HABANA, 19 Nov. (Reuters/EP) -

Cuba Moves to Decentralize Imports
July 21, 2009
HAVANA TIMES, July 20 - The Cuban government has decided to
expenditures in hard currency for imports, which will now be managed
by the individual ministries instead of a single centralized super
reported Mexico's La Jornada newspaper on Monday.
Nevertheless, the daily points out that the new measure does not
the fate of outstanding accounts that have not been paid to foreign
suppliers over the last seven months, estimated at around one billion
Cuba Moves to Decentralize Imports - Havana Times.org (21 July 2009)
Los exportadores valencianos llevan un año sin cobrar sus ventas a
- Valencia_Valencia - Valencia - ABC.es (15 July 2009)
Cuba tells creditors debt grew by $1.1 billion
Fri Sep 5, 2008 6:12pm EDT
By Marc Frank
Cuba can't pay debt to Russian bank
September 04, 2008
South Africa waives Cuban debt
Ambassador says Mexico will re-negotiate Cuban debt to improve
The Associated Press
Published: November 28, 2007
India agrees to waive $62 million in Cuban debt
"Cuban purchases of food from the United States will fall by at least
third this year as the island slashes imports to stabilise an ever-
economy further hammered by the global economic crisis, a top trade
official said Monday."
Jamaica Gleaner News - Cuba to buy less US food - Business -
November 18, 2009 (18 November 2009)
(9) Genocide Watch is the Coordinator of the International Campaign
End Genocide
Listing of the Castro regime:

Here are some pictures of children whose murder Dan Christensen supported:


The names of the children whose killing Dan Christensen supports:

Angel René ABREU Ruiz, 3
Giselle (or Lisette) BORGES Alvarez, 4
José Carlos NIKEL Anaya, 3
Marjolís MENDEZ Tacoronte, 17
Yousel Eugenio PEREZ Tacoronte, 11
Caridad LEYVA Tacoronte, 4
Yasse (or Yasser) PERODIN Almanza, 11

The testimony of a child that survived the killings Dan Christensen

Posted on Wed, Jun. 01, 2005
`Our only luggage was hope'

Sergio Perodín Jr., a survivor of the 13 de Marzo tugboat massacre, is
graduating from Coral Gables Senior High today.

Original link:
Permanent link:

The facts on Cuba's agriculture:

again Dan Christensen is trying to put words in other people's mouth
based on misquotes snipped the facts and the quote from Castro
confirming that Dan is no more than a desperate liar.
Another misquote to end the series.

all experts agree, Dan, that Cuba needs to reform its agriculture
before any increase in production is possible.
Even Raul Castro has admitted that.

"This is an effort to revitalize an agriculture sector hampered by
decades of government mismanagement" said Raul Castro.
(Yep even your political masters expose you - again - as the liar you

The problem is: for dogmatic reasons his market reforms are falling
far short of what is needed to revitalize food production even for the
local people.
Cuba, before Castro, was a net food exporter and can be that again
given structural reform as even your expert stated. No change in
regulation, no realization of potential.

"``The Cuban climate is very good, has good resources, and an
agricultural system with potential,'' Messina said. ``But the truth is
that we don't see big trends toward its development in terms of


a fact all experts agree on.
Land is not used or has a very low productivity.
The solution id to free the sector and allow for foreign investment, a
point Messina also made.

"La agricultura cubana requiere cambios urgentes
Oscar Espinosa Chepe

Currently Castro's "reforms"have only succeeded in reducing output.

"Cuban food output down despite agriculture reforms
By Marc Frank Marc Frank Tue Aug 3, 2:43 pm ET

Elias Amor Bravo
Economista ULC

"Cuba: reduced imports, declining local production."
and the news at:
Post by CubaFAQ
PS: As an antidote to PL's venomous personal attacks on me
You are the one posting "venomous personal attcks", Dan, as anyone can see.
What a hypocrite liar you are.


again Dan Christensen shows what a hypocrite liar he is.
He is the one doing the "attacking" with his lies and slander.
As all can see I only post this piece that exposes his lies when he
has started his slanderous attacks.
That by the way is in general within a couple of exchanges on the
facts of the case involved as by then he is so stuck that he has to
resort to lies and insults.

Please note that lies combined with personal attacks only destroy
your credibility, Dan.

Dan Christensen knows I am not a lobbyist and that it is all just a
slander campaign.
As a good follower of Goebbels he keeps repeating his lies in the hope
that something will stick and that he maybe can mislead some people
don't know what he is all about.
Desperate Dan Is doing his bit in the slander campaign of the "rat
he is associated with. The contribution of his pals at the Centre
Ernesto Che Guevara in this group recently just shows what Dan and his
cronies are all about: lies, insults, slander and intimidation.

Actually: given your actions in the past Dan you fit the lobbyist
profile a lot closer.

You contact people in support of the Cuban regime and with the aim to
have them change the content of their website or change public
statements. You even pose as a "journalist" or "researcher" while
doing so.
The fact that you have been utterly unsuccessful at it and that only
your website suffered the removal of pages just shows what a bad
lobbyist you are.

Your Club Med, lobbying, CIA lies are exposed again

Links to the threads Dan produces his "lobbyist" misquotes from and
the exposure of his lies by others:

For those that want to see the full thread and the complete messages
in their context (which Dan Christensen desperately hopes nobody will
as it will expose his lies), here is a link to the threads concerned.

To Dan Christensen's great frustration his lies by now have been
exposed by various other people in other threads like:

Dan Christensen lied when he claimed I had stated that I had been at
Club Med in Varadero - a hotel he tried to depict as a sleazy sex
resort - to "lobby" people.
Just one example:
Dan Christensen even suggested the whole trip was paid for by the CIA
thereby accusing Belgian officials of not only sexual impropriety, but
also of active corruption.
You see: Dan Christensen just doesn't know when to stop lying and gets
caught up in his "cloak and dagger" childish fantasies.
His lies are so over the top that it all become a big joke that people
can easily see though.
Here is one example of how serial liar Dan Christensen was exposed.

The lies of Dan Christensen about me that were exposed:
- his lie about me playing golf to "lobby": exposed. Dan Christensen
had to admit there were no quotes to support any of that.
- his lie about singles resorts and schmoozing: exposed as various
people stated that it is merely a family resort that even had a circus
school for children
- his lie about me being in Varadero: exposed as Dan Christensen had
to admit I never said I was there
- his lie that it were all "CIA junkets" exposed as Dan Christensen
ran like hell when he realized that this lie could expose him to legal
- his lie that I had "self-confessed" anything: exposed by people that
put the snippets Dan Christensen abusively posts in context (as shown
in this message)
All Dan Christensen's lies have been exposed by various people.

as I said comrade
Dan: whenever you post your lies about me I post the truth about you.
Your record of lies, innuendo, insults and support of human rights
abuses discredits you.
All shame you brought on yourself by your attitude and actions.

The exposure of the "lobbyist" lie in further detail.

Dan Christensen's abuse of misquotes has been exposed over and over
again. He just aped the lie of another apologist that dropped that
specific lie very quickly. The guy is indeed smarter than stupid Dan.
When Dan Christensen tried to come up with his own "new and
improved" version of the lie he fell flat on his face.
He claimed I had been "lobbying" people In Geneva while his Rat Pack
pal "cuba libre" that stalked me then showed from an IP address from
which I had posted something that I was in Santiago de Cuba at the
time. One Rat Pack member exposing another's lies with the result of
his cyber stalking. Ironic.

Dan's other exposed false claim:
"Taking a little break from arm-twisting in Geneva, Mr. Lobbyist?"

Again it is clear what a pathetic loser Dan Christensen is.

Below you will find what is behind Dan Christensen's slanderous
campaign: facts he can't deny.

- Frustration

I exposed Dan Christensen as a fraud in this group years ago when I
blew his "cover". In SCC he tried to portray himself as an
interested party" with no political agenda.
When I came across a blatantly different reply to a similar question
in a Stalinist e-group to which I had been invited I posted it to show
his lying hypocrisy.
Since then he has been pissed as hell as it undermined his lying
propaganda effort to mislead "those in the background" (his own words,
those that didn't have "local knowledge". He himself admitted in the
same e-group that propagandist like him can never "convince" those
with "local knowledge". In frequent exchanges he got some mad he often
forgot to keep up the pretense and made him show his hand and true

"In my opinion the advances made by the Revolution are morally well
worth fighting for and justify the use of these extraordinary
measures. In this case, the ends do indeed justify the means.
These measures, however, would NOT be morally justified in propping
less worthy regimes in the region -- the USA and its vassal states in
Caribbean and Latin America come immediately to mind."


"It is wrong to think that a particular end justifies EVERY means. At
this time, for example, it would be wrong of the Cuban government to
send death squads after their opponents as happens in Mexico and
Colombia. Again, the actions of the Cuban government in detaining
these so-called dissidents seem quite mild in comparison and are
morally justified under the circumstances."


That meant he was exposed a the hypocrite liar he is. It showed that
the false claims he made about others (support of genocide, torture,
abuses, ..) in fact only applied to him.

I have also frequently exposed his lies about facts and people in SCC.

Dan Christensen once claimed:
"It is clear from Smith's article here (and his website, CIP Online)
that he does, in fact, support an immediate and unconditional lifting
of your beloved embargo."

Mr. Smith's own words:

'We should reduce tensions, not aggravate it, making it clear to the
Cuban government that we do not have hostile intentions toward them,''
said during a 40-minute speech at a conference titled Cuba and the
United States: Relations in Permanent Conflict, Causes, Effects and
''I did not say lift the embargo without conditions,'' he said.
You can enter after a free registration.
Permanent copy in the Cubaverdad archive:

Then there is the issue of his lying website: acting with a third
person I had pages removed (for violations of law, slander, ...), I
have shamed him in to changing it on
various occasions (adding links that would then expose his lies,
remove lying caption from pictures, ...) and I have in general exposed
the lies on it (on Amnesty International for example)

What Dan claimed on his website (the misquote):
"Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel
now moved to:

Link to the "report": (the one Dan didn't give until I shamed him in
to it)

where the only thing Amnesty international asks for "immediately and
unconditionally" is the release of political prisoners.


"in 1.
"On the basis of the available information, therefore, Amnesty
International considers the 75 dissidents to be prisoners of
(2) and calls for their immediate and unconditional release."

In 8.1
" to immediately and unconditionally release the 15 prisoners
previously named by Amnesty International as prisoners of conscience.

" to immediately and unconditionally release anyone else who is
detained or imprisoned solely for having peacefully exercised their
rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly."
end of quote

- Dogmatic hatred.

Dan Christensen is a hard-line Stalinist. His first steps in SCC were
to defend Stalin and in other forums he has praised "workers
democracy" under Stalin.
He has admitted that he is ready to fight to the last Cuban (from his
comfortable armchair in Canada) for his cause.
By posting the reports from the international press, human rights
organizations and Cuban independent journalists I have exposed his
propaganda as a lie. That makes the man wild with rage.
As he like to see himself as the "victim" (he once claimed he was
being censored in SCC) he therefore lashes out at people claiming that
those that contradict him are "CIA" agents (as if the CIA would care
about a third rate liar as Dan) and professional "lobbyists" probably
to make himself feel that he is "important" and to explain away his
complete propaganda failure (portraying himself as "overcome by
unsurmountable institutional odds").

- Personal hate and the "rat pack"

Dan has suffered the trauma of having part of his website remove
after a long battle over the personal attacks and falsifications he
had posted there.
The frequent exposures of his lies and hypocrisy only fueled the
personal hatred.
Dan ganged up with various other propagandists that people that have
been attacked by them refer to as the "rat pack". I have been the
target of the lies and slanderous insults of this "rat pack".
They specialize in online slander (from posting private information,
attacking their business or businesses they are associated with,
inciting others to harass people, over accusing people of being "CIA
agents" or "lobbyists" to the worst things one can imagine) and direct
harassment (phone calls, letters, letters with razor blade or white
powder, loitering in front of people's houses,.. up to death threats
in France).
All they succeeded in doing was to dramatically increase traffic to a
website I participate in ( www.cubaverdad.net ) and to suffer the
consequences of their slander.
Dan Christensen had part of his website removed. The Centre Che in
France had their complete website removed and their "secretary" known
here as "cubalibre" real name François Valy was sentenced to 6 months
jail for a whole series of abuses (including racism). A Spanish
"subsidiary" of the rat pack still has a surprise coming.
All because of their lies were exposed.

But then in the end this is what it boils down to: those that don't
have rational arguments find themselves exposed as the liars they are.
When that happens all they have left are the old
slander tactics: they attack the people that expose their lies in the
hope that they can intimidate them.
If Dan Christensen felt he had any chance to convince people directly
he would try to do so by posting facts and arguing facts.
He is reduced to snipping, posting the same snippets over and over
again, lies and slander.
As long as he and the rest of the "rat pack" (and their hangers on)
are reduced to that they expose" their own failure as Dan Christensen
does here every time.
Fine by me.


"The Cuban government is based on lies and cheap propaganda. That is
why it is afraid of words and the truth."
Raul Rivero, April 2006, University of Sevilla
2011-02-23 22:58:23 UTC
An excellent analysis of another possible source of this likely
disinformation: "The Avery Diet: The Hudson Institute’s Misinformation
Campaign Against Cuban Agriculture" at http://www.landaction.org/spip/IMG/pdf/The-Avery-Diet.pdf

2011-02-23 23:54:16 UTC
Post by CubaFAQ
An excellent analysis of another possible source

No "analysis" at all.
Clearly someone not in touch with the facts.

Here you can se that Food imports have been steadily rising (in fixed
value): from 1991 to 2007

His food dependency chart goes down during the "special period" because
of reduced purchases and the quote from the minister that I also gave is
celar: it refers to the rationed food only. All other sources clearly
state that they refer to TOTAL food consumption.

From the WFP
"Cuba, with a population of a little over 11 million people, imports
about 80% of its domestic food requirements. A number of measures are
being taken to increase food production, chief among which is the
allocation of fallow land to private individuals and groups, as well as
the reduction of the amount of land devoted to sugar cane cultivation,
but the country's vulnerability to hurricanes and droughts, coupled with
the increase in global food prices and the financial crisis, makes the
path to national food security difficult."


Confirmed by a series of the largest Cuban newspapers:

From Jan 25, 2011!!!!!

El 40% de la superficie cultivable de Cuba está ociosa, pero la
situación tiende a mejorar

Por Cubadebate Martes 25 de Enero de 2011 20:17

"Cuba importa cerca de un 80 por ciento de los víveres que consumen sus
habitantes y gasta en ello unos 1.500 millones de dólares al año."


the same here:

The "Portal Infomative" writes in Jan 2011 referring to 2010 (past year)

Hacía la soberanía alimentaria?
Noticias - Destacado
Escrito por Ana Maria Dominguez Cruz
Lunes, 03 de Enero de 2011 12:22

""Sin embargo, el año pasado Cuba necesitaba importar el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que se consumían en ella, como consecuencia de
problemas organizativos, económicos y hasta conceptuales que dieron al
traste con una situación agrícola interna desfavorable, incluso desde el
punto de vista de los recursos humanos."


"Tengamos en cuenta que Cuba prácticamente importa el 80 por ciento de
los alimentos que consume, para lo cual invirtió el año pasado más de 2
000 millones de dólares."


As I said: contact the IPS journalist Dan.
She can give you the source.

Contact Ivet Gonzalez for the details and the names desperate idiot.

What desperate Dan snipped:

According to local researchers, Cuba only covers 20 percent of the food
needs of its population of 11.2 million people, resulting in an unwieldy
external dependence in an economy with limited availability of foreign

Again you are exposed as the desperate liar you are Dan Christensen and
by a source you loved to quote;


Soberanía alimentaria al alcance de la mano
Por Ivet González

SAN JOSÉ DE LAS LAJAS, Cuba, feb (IPS) - Luisa García y Jorge Medina
saben cuánta vida puede regalar su tierra. El matrimonio cubano desgrana
la variedad de alimentos producidos por ella y que nutren su mesa todo
el año, y con base en su experiencia está convencido que la ansiada
soberanía alimentaria en su país y América Latina puede lograrse.

"El campesino tiene que tratar de hacer su finca integral, donde
produzca todo y todo salga de allí: es el objetivo esencial", aseguró a
IPS Medina, beneficiario desde hace seis años del Programa de Innovación
Agropecuaria Local (Pial). Este proyecto, cofinanciado por Suiza,
persigue la participación campesina y la diversidad de cultivos.

Desde sus inicios en el año 2000, el Pial propone el desarrollo
ecológico y social del campo a través de la innovación científica por la
población rural y actualmente contribuye a mejorar la calidad de vida de
50.000 productores en 46 de los 169 municipios de esta isla caribeña,
que a su vez se ocupan de extender los nuevos conocimientos dentro de su

Complacido ante el verde de su tercera siembra de frijoles desde octubre
del pasado año, Medina explicó en su finca cercana a la población
occidental de San José de las Lajas, a 38 kilómetros de La Habana, la
importancia de realizar "otros cambios para que haya un mayor desarrollo
en la producción".

"El campesino debe dejar entrar a la juventud y a la ciencia a su finca,
porque siempre traen algo nuevo y te dan ideas", aseguró Medina que pasó
a integrar una cooperativa agrícola hace seis años, después de
desempeñarse como mecánico en el sector.

Antes de formar parte del Pial solo cultivaban dos variedades de granos,
mientras que ahora producen 30 variedades de granos, viandas (frutos y
raíces ricos en carbohidratos básicos en dieta cubana), hortalizas y
abonos verdes, como la leguminosa canavalia.

Además, fabrican el humus de lombriz, un biofertilizante que mezclan con
otros producidos por centros cubanos de investigación agropecuaria.

Para su autoconsumo, cuentan con un huerto y las conservas que produce
García y que garantizan todo el año en su mesa el sabor de frutas,
vegetales y condimentos típicos de cada temporada. También cultivan soja
para extraer el aceite que necesitan para sus comidas, como parte de un
proyecto de la cooperativa a la que pertenecen.

La mayoría de su producción es comercializada a través de la cooperativa
y otros sistemas institucionales de venta, lo que le reporta unos
ingresos satisfactorios para la familia.

Sin embargo, el tema de la soberanía alimentaria que ven tan posible
García y Medina no es por ahora un tema de debate público en este país
de gobierno socialista. "Se cuestiona poco la soberanía alimentaria en
Cuba: se habla de seguridad pero nunca de soberanía, que implica cambiar
los contenidos de la alimentación", indicó a IPS la investigadora Ana
Esther Ceceña.

Según investigadores locales, Cuba solo cubre 20 por ciento de las
necesidades alimentarias de su población, de 11,2 millones de personas,
lo que se traduce en una dependencia externa difícil de administrar en
una economía con poca disponibilidad de divisas.

Los países en desarrollo deben encontrar sus propias vías para proveer
su nutrición y modificar su concepto de "necesidades alimentarias", que
casi siempre difiere de las posibilidades de cada agricultura, abundó la
Ceceña, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, que visita
constantemente la isla caribeña desde hace cinco años.

Desde 2008, el acceso a una nutrición básica y sana disminuyó en todo el
planeta por el impacto de la crisis económica global estallada ese año
en Estados Unidos. En esta coyuntura, se hizo urgente la propuesta de
lograr la soberanía alimentaria, abanderada desde mediados de los años
90 por el movimiento social e internacional Vía Campesina.

Esta meta busca una mayor participación de la población rural y local en
la producción agropecuaria, ampliar el acceso a alimentos sanos y
ecológicos, disminuir al máximo las importaciones en este rubro,
reconocer los derechos de los consumidores y lograr la sostenibilidad y
autonomía nacional en la alimentación.

En 2009 la cifra de personas mal nutridas en América Latina y el Caribe
llegó a los 53 millones, según un foro regional sobre el tema realizado
en Santiago de Chile en junio de 2010, bajo el auspicio de la
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la
Alimentación (FAO) y la Iniciativa América Latina y el Caribe Sin Hambre.

En el caso de Cuba, el Pial promueve en las localidades que respalda un
sentido de autoabastecimiento e incremento de productos agroecológicos a
través de la experimentación entre los agricultores.

"Gracias a la investigación, con lo poco que tenemos hemos logrado
aumentar la producción", dijo García, al mostrar el aprovechamiento
óptimo de cada espacio de las seis hectáreas de tierra de "Las
Chiverías", el nombre de la finca donde vive con su marido y dos hijos.
Además, proveen el mercado local y hacen donaciones a una escuela y
hogar materno.

Pero el caso de "Las Chiverías", que obtuvo en 2011 la categoría de
excelencia, no se refleja en todo el país. De hecho, el presidente
cubano, Raúl Castro, propicia desde 2008 cambios en el sistema
agropecuario, como la entrega de tierras estatales ociosas en usufructo,
para lograr la "sustitución de importaciones" de alimentos.

Para Humberto Ríos, fundador del Pial y Premio Ambiental Goldman 2010
–un prestigioso galardón internacional para defensores del desarrollo
sustentable-, lograr la soberanía alimentaria en Cuba implica "liberar
aún más el sector pequeño y mediano de los campesinos, viejos y nuevos
usufructuarios, y darle muchas más facilidades desde el punto de vista
del mercado".

En el caso cubano, "la planeación (por parte de instituciones agrícolas)
tiene que venir un poco de la demanda de los consumidores", planteó el
actual investigador del Centro de Estudios Demográficos de la
Universidad de La Habana.

En tanto, la seguridad alimentaria de la familia Medina-García le
permite ver las medidas de austeridad del gobierno con tranquilidad. "A
mí no me afecta que quiten la libreta (cartilla de racionamiento), estoy
de acuerdo. Nos abastecemos de los granos, las viandas, frutas y
conservas", detalló Medina.

Desde hace alrededor de un año, la familia solo compra azúcar y sal de
esta cartilla, que desde los años 60 subsidia una cuota básica
alimentaria de la población cubana. Según anuncios oficiales, la libreta
desaparecerá poco a poco durante este año.

2011-02-24 02:00:11 UTC
Post by CubaFAQ
Post by PL
According to local researchers,
Unnamed "local researchers???"
how about:
La Asociación Cubana de Técnicos Agrícolas y Forestales, abreviated
ACTAF. They should know, no?
Call them. You have their number.

The source:


ACTAF es La Asociación Cubana de Técnicos Agrícolas y Forestales. Una
organización no gubernamental, inscripta en el registro de asociaciones
de la Republica de Cuba desde el 2 de febrero de 1987. Con una
estructura funcional desagregada, en Filiales con personalidad jurídica
propia, en las 14 provincias del país. Cuenta con 23 694 afiliados, de
los cuales el 38% son mujeres, agrupados en 1 761 Órganos de Base y 2
219 Socios Institucionales a nivel de país, con una estructura de
trabajo organizada en filiales en todas las provincias incluido el
municipio especial de Isla de la Juventud. Como novedoso en la
estructura de ACTAF se incorpora el Presidente Municipal de la ACTAF,
aglutinando a todos los técnicos en el área municipal.

La ACTAF tiene como paradigma lograr el desarrollo de una agricultura
sostenible sobre bases agroecológicas, para lo cual no solo trabaja en
todo un amplio proceso de capacitación de sus asociados y de la sociedad
cubana en su conjunto sino también en el desarrollo de un proceso de
divulgación, promoción y reconocimiento a todas las experiencias
exitosas que de forma individual o colectiva logren efectivamente dar
cumplimiento y materialización al modelo de agricultura que como
organización propugnamos y defendemos. Domicilio legal: Calle 98 No.
702, esquina 7ma, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Telef.: + 53 7 202
7867, e-mail: ***@actaf.co.cu

Hacía la soberanía alimentaria?
Noticias - Destacado
Escrito por Ana Maria Dominguez Cruz
Lunes, 03 de Enero de 2011 12:22

""Sin embargo, el año pasado Cuba necesitaba importar el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que se consumían en ella, como consecuencia de
problemas organizativos, económicos y hasta conceptuales que dieron al
traste con una situación agrícola interna desfavorable, incluso desde el
punto de vista de los recursos humanos."

2011-02-24 03:23:58 UTC
Post by CubaFAQ
Post by PL
According to local researchers,
Unnamed "local researchers???"
La Asociaci n Cubana de T cnicos Agr colas y Forestales, abreviated
ACTAF. They should know, no?
Call them. You have their number.
Call them yourself, Mr. Lobbyist.
ACTAF es La Asociaci n Cubana de T cnicos Agr colas y Forestales. Una
organizaci n no gubernamental, inscripta en el registro de asociaciones
de la Republica de Cuba desde el 2 de febrero de 1987. Con una
estructura funcional desagregada, en Filiales con personalidad jur dica
propia, en las 14 provincias del pa s. Cuenta con 23 694 afiliados, de
los cuales el 38%  son mujeres, agrupados en 1 761 rganos de Base y 2
219 Socios Institucionales a nivel de pa s, con una estructura de
trabajo organizada en filiales en  todas las provincias incluido el
municipio especial de Isla de la Juventud. Como novedoso en la
estructura de ACTAF se incorpora el Presidente Municipal de la ACTAF,
aglutinando a todos los t cnicos en el rea municipal.
La ACTAF tiene como paradigma lograr el desarrollo de una agricultura
sostenible sobre bases agroecol gicas, para lo cual no solo trabaja en
todo un amplio proceso de capacitaci n de sus asociados y de la sociedad
cubana en su conjunto sino tambi n en el desarrollo de un proceso de
divulgaci n, promoci n y reconocimiento a todas las experiencias
exitosas que de forma individual o colectiva logren efectivamente dar
cumplimiento y materializaci n al modelo de agricultura que como
organizaci n propugnamos y defendemos. Domicilio legal: Calle 98 No.
702, esquina 7ma, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Telef.: + 53 7 202
Hac a la soberan a alimentaria?
Noticias - Destacado
Escrito por Ana Maria Dominguez Cruz
Lunes, 03 de Enero de 2011 12:22
""Sin embargo, el a o pasado Cuba necesitaba importar el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que se consum an en ella, como consecuencia de
problemas organizativos, econ micos y hasta conceptuales que dieron al
traste con una situaci n agr cola interna desfavorable, incluso desde el
punto de vista de los recursos humanos."
This one again, Mr. Lobbyist??? You have had several years already,
and this is still the best you can do? As before, they do not cite any
original sources either. Neither, it seems, does anyone else.

Do get back to us when you finally have a solid reference citing
original sources, e.g. some official Cuban government or UN study.
Until then, do not expect a reply from me on matter.

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at its new home:
(The original CubaFAQ website. Don't be fooled by PL's cheap
2011-02-24 09:24:58 UTC
Post by CubaFAQ
Post by CubaFAQ
Post by PL
According to local researchers,
Unnamed "local researchers???"
La Asociaci n Cubana de T cnicos Agr colas y Forestales, abreviated
ACTAF. They should know, no?
Call them. You have their number.
Call them yourself, Mr. Lobbyist.
ACTAF es La Asociaci n Cubana de T cnicos Agr colas y Forestales. Una
organizaci n no gubernamental, inscripta en el registro de asociaciones
de la Republica de Cuba desde el 2 de febrero de 1987. Con una
estructura funcional desagregada, en Filiales con personalidad jur dica
propia, en las 14 provincias del pa s. Cuenta con 23 694 afiliados, de
los cuales el 38% son mujeres, agrupados en 1 761 rganos de Base y 2
219 Socios Institucionales a nivel de pa s, con una estructura de
trabajo organizada en filiales en todas las provincias incluido el
municipio especial de Isla de la Juventud. Como novedoso en la
estructura de ACTAF se incorpora el Presidente Municipal de la ACTAF,
aglutinando a todos los t cnicos en el rea municipal.
La ACTAF tiene como paradigma lograr el desarrollo de una agricultura
sostenible sobre bases agroecol gicas, para lo cual no solo trabaja en
todo un amplio proceso de capacitaci n de sus asociados y de la sociedad
cubana en su conjunto sino tambi n en el desarrollo de un proceso de
divulgaci n, promoci n y reconocimiento a todas las experiencias
exitosas que de forma individual o colectiva logren efectivamente dar
cumplimiento y materializaci n al modelo de agricultura que como
organizaci n propugnamos y defendemos. Domicilio legal: Calle 98 No.
702, esquina 7ma, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Telef.: + 53 7 202
Hac a la soberan a alimentaria?
Noticias - Destacado
Escrito por Ana Maria Dominguez Cruz
Lunes, 03 de Enero de 2011 12:22
""Sin embargo, el a o pasado Cuba necesitaba importar el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que se consum an en ella, como consecuencia de
problemas organizativos, econ micos y hasta conceptuales que dieron al
traste con una situaci n agr cola interna desfavorable, incluso desde el
punto de vista de los recursos humanos."
This one again,
The one that exposes your lies.


ACTAF es La Asociación Cubana de Técnicos Agrícolas y Forestales. Una
organización no gubernamental, inscripta en el registro de asociaciones
de la Republica de Cuba desde el 2 de febrero de 1987. Con una
estructura funcional desagregada, en Filiales con personalidad jurídica
propia, en las 14 provincias del país. Cuenta con 23 694 afiliados, de
los cuales el 38% son mujeres, agrupados en 1 761 Órganos de Base y 2
219 Socios Institucionales a nivel de país, con una estructura de
trabajo organizada en filiales en todas las provincias incluido el
municipio especial de Isla de la Juventud. Como novedoso en la
estructura de ACTAF se incorpora el Presidente Municipal de la ACTAF,
aglutinando a todos los técnicos en el área municipal.

La ACTAF tiene como paradigma lograr el desarrollo de una agricultura
sostenible sobre bases agroecológicas, para lo cual no solo trabaja en
todo un amplio proceso de capacitación de sus asociados y de la sociedad
cubana en su conjunto sino también en el desarrollo de un proceso de
divulgación, promoción y reconocimiento a todas las experiencias
exitosas que de forma individual o colectiva logren efectivamente dar
cumplimiento y materialización al modelo de agricultura que como
organización propugnamos y defendemos. Domicilio legal: Calle 98 No.
702, esquina 7ma, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Telef.: + 53 7 202
7867, e-mail: ***@actaf.co.cu

Hacía la soberanía alimentaria?
Noticias - Destacado
Escrito por Ana Maria Dominguez Cruz
Lunes, 03 de Enero de 2011 12:22

""Sin embargo, el año pasado Cuba necesitaba importar el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que se consumían en ella, como consecuencia de
problemas organizativos, económicos y hasta conceptuales que dieron al
traste con una situación agrícola interna desfavorable, incluso desde el
punto de vista de los recursos humanos."


Anyway: all data confirmed in the Cuban press by Cubadebate, Invasor,
CMHW and th" "Portal Informative" of the Cuban regime in JANUARY 2011!!!!

From Jan 25, 2011!!!!!

El 40% de la superficie cultivable de Cuba está ociosa, pero la
situación tiende a mejorar

Por Cubadebate Martes 25 de Enero de 2011 20:17

"Cuba importa cerca de un 80 por ciento de los víveres que consumen sus
habitantes y gasta en ello unos 1.500 millones de dólares al año."


the same here:

Hacía la soberanía alimentaria?
Noticias - Destacado
Escrito por Ana Maria Dominguez Cruz
Lunes, 03 de Enero de 2011 12:22

""Sin embargo, el año pasado Cuba necesitaba importar el 80 por ciento
de los alimentos que se consumían en ella, como consecuencia de
problemas organizativos, económicos y hasta conceptuales que dieron al
traste con una situación agrícola interna desfavorable, incluso desde el
punto de vista de los recursos humanos."


"Tengamos en cuenta que Cuba prácticamente importa el 80 por ciento de
los alimentos que consume, para lo cual invirtió el año pasado más de 2
000 millones de dólares."



again Dan Christensen shows what a hypocrite liar he is.
He is the one doing the "attacking" with his lies and slander.
As all can see I only post this piece that exposes his lies when he
has started his slanderous attacks.
That by the way is in general within a couple of exchanges on the
facts of the case involved as by then he is so stuck that he has to
resort to lies and insults.

Please note that lies combined with personal attacks only destroy
your credibility, Dan.

Dan Christensen knows I am not a lobbyist and that it is all just a
slander campaign.
As a good follower of Goebbels he keeps repeating his lies in the hope
that something will stick and that he maybe can mislead some people
don't know what he is all about.
Desperate Dan Is doing his bit in the slander campaign of the "rat
he is associated with. The contribution of his pals at the Centre
Ernesto Che Guevara in this group recently just shows what Dan and his
cronies are all about: lies, insults, slander and intimidation.

Actually: given your actions in the past Dan you fit the lobbyist
profile a lot closer.

You contact people in support of the Cuban regime and with the aim to
have them change the content of their website or change public
statements. You even pose as a "journalist" or "researcher" while
doing so.
The fact that you have been utterly unsuccessful at it and that only
your website suffered the removal of pages just shows what a bad
lobbyist you are.

Your Club Med, lobbying, CIA lies are exposed again

Links to the threads Dan produces his "lobbyist" misquotes from and
the exposure of his lies by others:

For those that want to see the full thread and the complete messages
in their context (which Dan Christensen desperately hopes nobody will
as it will expose his lies), here is a link to the threads concerned.

To Dan Christensen's great frustration his lies by now have been
exposed by various other people in other threads like:

Dan Christensen lied when he claimed I had stated that I had been at
Club Med in Varadero - a hotel he tried to depict as a sleazy sex
resort - to "lobby" people.
Just one example:
Dan Christensen even suggested the whole trip was paid for by the CIA
thereby accusing Belgian officials of not only sexual impropriety, but
also of active corruption.
You see: Dan Christensen just doesn't know when to stop lying and gets
caught up in his "cloak and dagger" childish fantasies.
His lies are so over the top that it all become a big joke that people
can easily see though.
Here is one example of how serial liar Dan Christensen was exposed.

The lies of Dan Christensen about me that were exposed:
- his lie about me playing golf to "lobby": exposed. Dan Christensen
had to admit there were no quotes to support any of that.
- his lie about singles resorts and schmoozing: exposed as various
people stated that it is merely a family resort that even had a circus
school for children
- his lie about me being in Varadero: exposed as Dan Christensen had
to admit I never said I was there
- his lie that it were all "CIA junkets" exposed as Dan Christensen
ran like hell when he realized that this lie could expose him to legal
- his lie that I had "self-confessed" anything: exposed by people that
put the snippets Dan Christensen abusively posts in context (as shown
in this message)
All Dan Christensen's lies have been exposed by various people.

as I said comrade
Dan: whenever you post your lies about me I post the truth about you.
Your record of lies, innuendo, insults and support of human rights
abuses discredits you.
All shame you brought on yourself by your attitude and actions.

The exposure of the "lobbyist" lie in further detail.

Dan Christensen's abuse of misquotes has been exposed over and over
again. He just aped the lie of another apologist that dropped that
specific lie very quickly. The guy is indeed smarter than stupid Dan.
When Dan Christensen tried to come up with his own "new and
improved" version of the lie he fell flat on his face.
He claimed I had been "lobbying" people In Geneva while his Rat Pack
pal "cuba libre" that stalked me then showed from an IP address from
which I had posted something that I was in Santiago de Cuba at the
time. One Rat Pack member exposing another's lies with the result of
his cyber stalking. Ironic.

Dan's other exposed false claim:
"Taking a little break from arm-twisting in Geneva, Mr. Lobbyist?"

Again it is clear what a pathetic loser Dan Christensen is.

Below you will find what is behind Dan Christensen's slanderous
campaign: facts he can't deny.

- Frustration

I exposed Dan Christensen as a fraud in this group years ago when I
blew his "cover". In SCC he tried to portray himself as an
interested party" with no political agenda.
When I came across a blatantly different reply to a similar question
in a Stalinist e-group to which I had been invited I posted it to show
his lying hypocrisy.
Since then he has been pissed as hell as it undermined his lying
propaganda effort to mislead "those in the background" (his own words,
those that didn't have "local knowledge". He himself admitted in the
same e-group that propagandist like him can never "convince" those
with "local knowledge". In frequent exchanges he got some mad he often
forgot to keep up the pretense and made him show his hand and true

"In my opinion the advances made by the Revolution are morally well
worth fighting for and justify the use of these extraordinary
measures. In this case, the ends do indeed justify the means.
These measures, however, would NOT be morally justified in propping
less worthy regimes in the region -- the USA and its vassal states in
Caribbean and Latin America come immediately to mind."


"It is wrong to think that a particular end justifies EVERY means. At
this time, for example, it would be wrong of the Cuban government to
send death squads after their opponents as happens in Mexico and
Colombia. Again, the actions of the Cuban government in detaining
these so-called dissidents seem quite mild in comparison and are
morally justified under the circumstances."


That meant he was exposed a the hypocrite liar he is. It showed that
the false claims he made about others (support of genocide, torture,
abuses, ..) in fact only applied to him.

I have also frequently exposed his lies about facts and people in SCC.

Dan Christensen once claimed:
"It is clear from Smith's article here (and his website, CIP Online)
that he does, in fact, support an immediate and unconditional lifting
of your beloved embargo."

Mr. Smith's own words:

'We should reduce tensions, not aggravate it, making it clear to the
Cuban government that we do not have hostile intentions toward them,''
said during a 40-minute speech at a conference titled Cuba and the
United States: Relations in Permanent Conflict, Causes, Effects and
''I did not say lift the embargo without conditions,'' he said.
You can enter after a free registration.
Permanent copy in the Cubaverdad archive:

Then there is the issue of his lying website: acting with a third
person I had pages removed (for violations of law, slander, ...), I
have shamed him in to changing it on
various occasions (adding links that would then expose his lies,
remove lying caption from pictures, ...) and I have in general exposed
the lies on it (on Amnesty International for example)

What Dan claimed on his website (the misquote):
"Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel
now moved to:

Link to the "report": (the one Dan didn't give until I shamed him in
to it)

where the only thing Amnesty international asks for "immediately and
unconditionally" is the release of political prisoners.


"in 1.
"On the basis of the available information, therefore, Amnesty
International considers the 75 dissidents to be prisoners of
(2) and calls for their immediate and unconditional release."

In 8.1
" to immediately and unconditionally release the 15 prisoners
previously named by Amnesty International as prisoners of conscience.

" to immediately and unconditionally release anyone else who is
detained or imprisoned solely for having peacefully exercised their
rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly."
end of quote

- Dogmatic hatred.

Dan Christensen is a hard-line Stalinist. His first steps in SCC were
to defend Stalin and in other forums he has praised "workers
democracy" under Stalin.
He has admitted that he is ready to fight to the last Cuban (from his
comfortable armchair in Canada) for his cause.
By posting the reports from the international press, human rights
organizations and Cuban independent journalists I have exposed his
propaganda as a lie. That makes the man wild with rage.
As he like to see himself as the "victim" (he once claimed he was
being censored in SCC) he therefore lashes out at people claiming that
those that contradict him are "CIA" agents (as if the CIA would care
about a third rate liar as Dan) and professional "lobbyists" probably
to make himself feel that he is "important" and to explain away his
complete propaganda failure (portraying himself as "overcome by
unsurmountable institutional odds").

- Personal hate and the "rat pack"

Dan has suffered the trauma of having part of his website remove
after a long battle over the personal attacks and falsifications he
had posted there.
The frequent exposures of his lies and hypocrisy only fueled the
personal hatred.
Dan ganged up with various other propagandists that people that have
been attacked by them refer to as the "rat pack". I have been the
target of the lies and slanderous insults of this "rat pack".
They specialize in online slander (from posting private information,
attacking their business or businesses they are associated with,
inciting others to harass people, over accusing people of being "CIA
agents" or "lobbyists" to the worst things one can imagine) and direct
harassment (phone calls, letters, letters with razor blade or white
powder, loitering in front of people's houses,.. up to death threats
in France).
All they succeeded in doing was to dramatically increase traffic to a
website I participate in ( www.cubaverdad.net ) and to suffer the
consequences of their slander.
Dan Christensen had part of his website removed. The Centre Che in
France had their complete website removed and their "secretary" known
here as "cubalibre" real name François Valy was sentenced to 6 months
jail for a whole series of abuses (including racism). A Spanish
"subsidiary" of the rat pack still has a surprise coming.
All because of their lies were exposed.

But then in the end this is what it boils down to: those that don't
have rational arguments find themselves exposed as the liars they are.
When that happens all they have left are the old
slander tactics: they attack the people that expose their lies in the
hope that they can intimidate them.
If Dan Christensen felt he had any chance to convince people directly
he would try to do so by posting facts and arguing facts.
He is reduced to snipping, posting the same snippets over and over
again, lies and slander.
As long as he and the rest of the "rat pack" (and their hangers on)
are reduced to that they expose" their own failure as Dan Christensen
does here every time.
Fine by me.


"The Cuban government is based on lies and cheap propaganda. That is
why it is afraid of words and the truth."
Raul Rivero, April 2006, University of Sevilla
